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Cross Training For Runners

Difficulties faced by runners who want to study and train in the United States

3 Mins read

**This is A guest Post by my friend Alina Boska ***

To achieve holistic development, young athletes combine sports and higher education. In order to pursue a top-quality degree, many of them decide to study and train in the United States. Some runners believe that American universities can empower them for their future role in society at the end of their competitive period in sports. What’s more, the US institutions often offer flexible academic programmes and financial support to athletes. Typically, these perks are defined in individually negotiated agreements. Hence, student-athletes from all over the world get great opportunities for pursuing a successful dual career.

However, international students face some challenges trying to combine sports and education in the United States. Read about them below!

Cultural shock

No matter where you come from, you will be immersed in a different culture after your arrival in the United States. For sure, some people’s habits and customs will not be the same as in your home country. Besides, they may even seem weird or unacceptable to you. Chances are, you will experience intense negative feelings because of that. Psychologists say that most students from abroad struggle with homesickness and irritability.

To reduce your immigrant stress, you should first be aware of the main cultural differences. For example, you should learn about teacher-student relationships before coming to the United States. Note that they are rather informal there compared to the Asian and European education systems. It’s also important to start making new friends as soon as possible. Be open to your fellow international students to build a support network and find a safe place to share your experience in the United States.

Academic workload

It can be extremely difficult to focus on your school work when you have regular training sessions. As a runner, you must practice really a lot to achieve your sports goals, which interferes with the study process. Even the best colleges for students who want to start running professionally have very intense learning plans. The US professors always assign pretty much homework to give comprehensive knowledge to students. This a blessing and a curse for students at the same time. On the one hand, they get a great education and increase their chances to make a successful career. But on the other hand, the combination of learning and training exhausts them.

Many students think it’s impossible to find the solution to this problem. However, there is something to do about it. First of all, it would be great to talk to professors during their office hours. You can ask them for additional guidance and support. Also, you can turn to the services that help students with their homework. For example, if you were assigned a complicated term paper or an essay, you can check that contains hundreds of tips and assignment samples for students. This website also offers help of experienced writers that can complete your home task within the deadline you set for them.

Financial difficulties

As you might know, college tuition fees in the United States are quite high. Studying at private school usually costs “an arm and a leg” even for athletes who get a discount for their sports achievements. According to the statistics presented by, an average budget for a private college is approximately $47,800 per year. This doesn’t include the cost of health insurance, which is quite expensive for students from abroad. Also note that as a runner, you are at risk of frequent injuries, so you might need medical help from time to time. Hence, before you arrive in the United States, you should thoroughly count your future expenses.

To ease your financial difficulties, you could check scholarships available for athlete students in the United States. Athletes may also benefit from grants and generous student loans. There are plenty of options for talented students, so you will probably find something that fits your needs. You can turn to your university’s financial aid office and ask for help with the application process. This way, you are more likely to get money for covering your education and living costs.

Final thoughts

Being an athlete and a student at the same time is not easy. Both roles impose a lot of challenges for young people. Especially, if you come to study in the US from abroad, many additional difficulties are inevitable. They include cultural shock, money issues, and heavy workload. However, there are some effective solutions for each of them. Hopefully, this article provided you with valuable ideas on how to make your student life easier.

Author’s BIO

Alina Boskar works as an academic writer at one of the leading assignment services in the United States. She helps students complete their assignments and achieve success at college. As a big fan of sports, Alina spends most of her free time doing exercise in the fresh air. She believes that it is beneficial for both body and brain.

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