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Cross Training For Runners

The Science of Sweat: Why Do You Perspire Heavily While Running?

10 Mins read

“Why do I sweat so much when I run?” Ah, the age-old question that has puzzled many a runner. But worry no more because you’ve stumbled upon the perfect place to quench your curiosity.

Let me take you on a journey through my own sweaty adventures when I first embarked on the exhilarating path of running a few years back. Picture this: every drop of sweat, a badge of honor, indicating just how hard I was pushing myself. The more I perspired, the more accomplished I felt. It was like my body’s way of high-fiving me for my efforts.

But here’s the plot twist: as I became fitter and more experienced, something peculiar started happening. The sweat floodgates seemed to open wider than ever before. I ended up resembling a walking, talking waterfall by the time I finished my runs. To say I was concerned would be an understatement.

Naturally, like any modern-day seeker of knowledge, I turned to the oracle of our time—Google. I anxiously typed in my query, desperately seeking answers. And guess what? My worries were unfounded. The internet came to my rescue, revealing the fascinating truth about sweating and putting my fears to rest.

In this captivating post, I’m here to share the secrets of sweating with you. We’ll dive into the basics, exploring what sweating actually is, why it occurs, and, most importantly, how you can handle it if it’s been causing you concern.

Are you ready?

Let’s sweat it out.

Sweating While Running Explained

Picture your body as a thermostat, constantly working to maintain that perfect internal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Sweating is the one that that comes to the rescue when things start to heat up.

When you engage in intense activities like running, your body temperature naturally rises. Next, your nervous system springs into action, activating the mighty sweat glands. These incredible glands release perspiration, a magical concoction of water and electrolytes, onto the surface of your skin. As this liquid gold makes contact with the air, it sets off a glorious chain reaction. The moisture on your skin begins to evaporate, creating a cooling effect that radiates throughout your body. It’s like nature’s own air conditioning system, specifically designed to keep you cool as a cucumber.

Now, hold on a moment. While heat regulation is indeed the primary job of sweat, there are other fascinating scenarios where sweat steals the spotlight. It’s like a versatile performer, capable of captivating us in various situations. For instance, have you ever found yourself drenched in perspiration when you’re feeling nervous? It’s as if your body is trying to release that tension in the form of sweat. And let’s not forget the spicy food enthusiasts out there—those mouthwatering dishes can even trigger a spicy sweat symphony, adding an extra kick to the experience.

But wait, there’s more! Hormonal changes can also turn up the sweat dial, leaving you feeling like you just finished an intense workout, even if you’ve been lounging on the couch all day.

Why Do I Sweat so Much When I Run – The Factors

The amount you sweat is a complex dance influenced by a multitude of factors. It’s a thrilling combination of the number of sweat glands you possess (imagine having between 3 and 5 million tiny sweat factories within you!), the outdoor temperature, your resting body temperature, the clothes you choose to wear, the intensity of your training, and even your overall fitness level.

Now, let’s talk about fitness and sweat—their intricate relationship is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Think of your body as a finely tuned engine, humming with efficiency. When you’re a fit and seasoned athlete, your sweat glands kick into gear with gusto. They start their moisture extravaganza much earlier in your workouts, as if they’re primed and ready for action. It’s like your body’s thermoregulation system is saying, “Alright, folks, let’s get this cooling party started!”

And here’s where the magic happens. Your increased sweat rate, right from the beginning of your exercise session, acts as a superhero cape for your core temperature. It diligently works to keep it in check as you conquer those miles. It’s as if your body is saying, “I’ve got your back, my friend. No overheating shall thwart your running endeavors!”

Speaking from personal experience, I vividly recall the moment when I began to notice my own sweat rivers flowing with greater enthusiasm. It was during the phase when I wholeheartedly dedicated myself to running. Those long runs and intense interval workouts were like fuel for my sweat glands, encouraging them to give it their all. And you know what? I’ve come to embrace it as a badge of honor, a reminder of the hard work I’ve put into my fitness journey. It’s the price I gladly pay for being a fierce, dedicated runner.

What’s Normal Sweating?

First things first, let’s establish a golden rule: any amount of sweat is completely normal. Yes, you heard that right. Whether you’re a light sweater or a veritable fountain of perspiration, rest assured that your body is simply doing its thing. So, don’t fret if you find yourself drenched while your training buddy seems relatively dry. We’re all unique beings, and our sweat levels reflect that beautiful diversity.

Now, let’s talk numbers. On average, during an hour of exercise, the typical person can expect to lose between 0.8 to 1.4 liters of liquid gold. To put it in more relatable terms, that’s about 27.4 to 47.3 ounces of sweat pouring out of your hardworking body. And hold onto your water bottle, because here’s a mind-boggling fact: that amount roughly translates to one to three pounds of your body weight. It’s like your body is shedding those extra pounds through the power of perspiration.

But hey, don’t go running for the scale just yet! It’s important to note that the weight loss you experience through sweat is primarily due to fluid loss, which can be easily replenished by hydrating after your workout. So, no need to panic about your hard-earned gains disappearing into thin air.

Excessive Sweating While Running

If you find yourself drenched in sweat even when you’re not hitting the gym or engaged in any physical activity, it’s time to pay attention. Excessive sweating in specific areas of the body could be a sign that something is amiss.

Enter hyperhidrosis, a common condition that affects roughly three percent of the population in the United States. People with hyperhidrosis experience excessive sweating that goes beyond the bounds of everyday life, hindering their daily activities and causing them to break out in a sweat up to four to five times more than others. It’s like their sweat glands have a mind of their own, cranking up the moisture levels to the max.

But here’s the kicker: those with hyperhidrosis don’t just sweat when it’s scorching hot or during an intense workout. Oh no, their bodies have a flair for the dramatic, sweating even in cool environments for no apparent reason. It’s like having an invisible rain cloud that follows you wherever you go.

Now, before you jump to conclusions, my friend, it’s crucial to consult a certified physician to discuss your concerns and explore the treatment options available. Only a trained medical professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and help rule out any underlying conditions that may be causing your excessive sweating.

sweating while running

Additional resource – What’s the best temperature for running

Why Do I Sweat So Much When I run – The Solutions You Need

Tired of dealing with sweat during your runs?

Try these simple solutions:

Measure Your Sweat Rate

To get a rough estimate of your sweat rate, grab yourself a trusty digital scale and get ready to dive deep into the world of pre and post-training body weight.

Here’s the drill: before you lace up your running shoes, strip down to your birthday suit and record your nude body weight. It’s a moment of truth, my friend, a snapshot of your starting point.

Then, with each stride and every drop of sweat, push yourself to the limit and conquer that workout.

Once you’ve crossed the finish line, it’s time for the grand reveal. Dry yourself off immediately, strip down once again, and step gingerly onto the very same scale that witnessed your pre-workout weight. The difference you see between the two numbers is the key. It’s the tangible evidence of your sweat-induced fluid loss. But hold on, there are a few important details to keep in mind to ensure accuracy. Make sure your bladder and bowels are emptied before taking the plunge onto the scale.

Now, here’s where the magic happens. Take that weight difference and convert it into ounces. For every pound you shed during your run, you’ve lost a whopping 16 ounces of precious fluids. Oh, and for our metric-minded friends out there, that’s equivalent to one liter of fluid for each kilogram. So, let’s say you find yourself bidding farewell to a glorious two pounds of weight. That means your sweat rate for that particular session is a staggering 32 ounces. Just imagine, 32 ounces of your hard-earned sweat dripping away, paving the way to new heights of hydration awareness.

Now that you have your magical number in hand, it’s time to unlock the secret of staying well hydrated. You see, that number indicates precisely how much fluid you need to replenish post-exercise.

Additional resource – Running in the sun


Now that you’ve unveiled the secrets of your sweat rate during those invigorating runs, it’s time to dive into the world of hydration. Replenishing those fluid losses is the key to keeping your body in peak performance mode. So, grab that water bottle and let’s quench your thirst for knowledge.

Hydration is a game-changer, and it starts before you even hit the pavement. Make it a habit to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your runs. Trust me, your body will thank you for it. Research studies have shown that staying hydrated can improve exercise performance and help prevent fatigue and cramps.

Now, when it comes to longer sessions, hydrating on the run becomes essential. Picture yourself on a thrilling running escapade, feeling the rhythm of your heartbeat, and the wind brushing against your face. In those moments, don’t forget to give your body the hydration it craves. Aim to drink around eight to ten ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise. It’s like providing your body with a refreshing oasis amidst the intensity of your run. And here’s a pro tip: when you finally cross that finish line, don’t stop there.

Within 30 minutes of completing your run, make sure to replenish your fluid levels with an additional eight to ten ounces of liquid goodness. It’s like a victory celebration for your body, honoring the effort you’ve put in.

But wait, there’s more to the story than just water. During those exhilarating runs, your body is working hard, and you’re not just losing water through that well-earned sweat. Oh no, you’re also bidding farewell to vital electrolytes. These electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and others, play a crucial role in keeping your body functioning at its best. So, if you find yourself sweating profusely or conquering those lengthy runs under the blazing sun, it’s time to give those electrolytes the attention they deserve.

Think of it like this: your sweat is a treasure trove of electrolytes, and you need to replenish what you’ve lost. So, sprinkle a little salt into your hydration routine. It may sound counterintuitive, but adding a pinch of salt to your post-run water or opting for electrolyte-rich sports drinks can work wonders.

Not only will it replenish those precious electrolytes, but it will also help your body maintain a healthy balance. Just like a conductor guiding an orchestra, the salt will ensure that each note, each bodily function, is in perfect harmony.

Additional resource – Sodium for for runners

Turn On a Fan

When running on a treadmill, turn on a fan, open a window, or lower the air conditioning to reduce humidity in the air.

Consider Antiperspirants

When it comes to choosing an antiperspirant, look for one that contains around 10 to 15 percent aluminum chloride. This powerful ingredient is like a shield that helps combat excessive sweating. Apply it to your armpits, and voila! Say goodbye to those pesky underarm sweat patches.

But wait, there’s more. Did you know that antiperspirants can come to the rescue for other sweaty areas as well? Yes, my friend, think beyond the armpits. If your palms or the soles of your feet tend to perspire excessively, don’t hesitate to apply a bit of antiperspirant magic to those areas too. It’s like giving your hands and feet a refreshing breath of fresh air, allowing you to tackle your day with confidence.

Now, here’s a little heads-up. Some antiperspirants may require a prescription from your doctor.

So, if you find yourself in need of a more potent solution, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Your doctor will guide you to the best option tailored specifically for you. After all, they have the knowledge and expertise to steer you in the right direction.

Cool Off

Immediately following a run, take a cold shower (if possible).

Anything that lowers your core body temperature will help you stop sweating faster.

Keep It Tidy

Shaving your armpits removes hair that keeps deodorant and antiperspirants from getting to your skin.

It also helps decrease odor because your hair holds more bacteria than your skin does.

Dress Properly

A summer-friendly running apparel is key.

Picture this: lightweight, breathable fabrics that feel like a gentle breeze against your skin. That’s the magic of choosing synthetic materials that are specifically designed for the summer heat. These fabrics are like sweat-wicking wizards, whisking away moisture from your skin and transporting it to the outer surface of your clothing. There, it evaporates into thin air, leaving you feeling fresh and dry even in the most intense workout sessions.

But it’s not just about staying dry; it’s also about allowing heat to escape from your body. That’s where ventilation comes into play. Look for running apparel with strategic mesh panels or breathable zones that allow air to circulate freely. This helps create a natural airflow, keeping you cool and preventing overheating. Think of it as having your very own personal air conditioning system while you’re out on your runs.

Now, let’s talk about some fantastic fabric options that will elevate your summer running game. One popular choice is Merino wool. Don’t worry, it’s not your grandma’s scratchy sweater! Merino wool is a magical fabric that offers incredible moisture-wicking properties and temperature regulation.

If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly option, bamboo fabric is a game-changer. It’s soft, lightweight, and naturally breathable. This, in turn, offers moisture-wicking abilities while being gentle on the environment. So, you can run with a clear conscience, knowing that you’re taking care of both yourself and the planet.

Here’s the full guide to cold weather running gear.

Watch Your Diet

Your diet can influence your athletic performance, your health, and your sweat rate.

Consuming certain foods, including caffeine, garlic, onions, and curry, can stimulate your sweat glands, making you sweat more than normal.

Making these simple tweaks to your diet might solve your sweat problems.


There you have it! I hope today’s post offers a clear answer on the “Why do I sweat so much when I run” question.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

David D.

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