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Cross Training For Runners

Top 10 Careers in Running for You

4 Mins read

The world of sports is a competitive and ever-changing industry. Many specialists work in various roles to support athletes and people in that field. For anyone interested in a career in sports that are both challenging and healthy, we teamed up with experts from job aggregator Jooble to look at some of the available jobs. From coaching to race organization to becoming an online personal trainer, there are plenty of career opportunities available in this growing industry. Here are ten positions in the field of running that you should consider.

  1. Athletic Trainer

Main duties: Athletic trainers work with athletes to help prevent and treat muscle and bone sports-related injuries and disorders. They conduct workshops for coaches and organize sports medicine educational programs. Many athletic trainers work in academic environments such as schools and colleges. Some are also involved in research to improve treatment methods and injury prevention.

Skills needed:

  • Good communication skills;
  • A knowledge of their specialist sport;
  • A degree from an accredited athletic training education program.
  1. Track & field coach

Main duties: The job of the track and field coach is to train athletes for competition in track events. They also develop training programs, provide athletes feedback, and oversee track meets. Besides that, traveling with their teams to away events is like an added bonus for a coach.

How to become a track and field coach

  • The best way to develop your coaching knowledge is to participate in the sport;
  • Study the sport and gain as much knowledge about it as possible;
  • Show that you can add value;
  • Start as a volunteer coach to gain experience and build your reputation.
  1. Sports physical therapist

Main duties: Sports physical therapists help athletes recover from sports-related injuries that limit their ability to perform at their peak.  They develop personalized treatment plans and provide support to help athletes return to fitness as quickly as possible. Some physical therapists also work closely with teams to develop injury prevention programs, improve workout routines, and avoid sports-related injuries.

Skills needed:

  • Good interpersonal skills;
  • Physical fitness;
  • Good communication style;
  • A master’s degree in physical therapy;
  • A physical therapy certification.
  1. Exercise Physiologist

Main duties: Exercise physiologists provide scientific support to athletes. They work with athletes and teams to help improve their physical performance and conditioning by monitoring how their bodies respond to physical exertion and improving the athlete’s performance by using scientific methods. They also manage chronic sports injuries.

Skills needed:

  • Good communication skills;
  • People skills;
  • Empathy;
  • A bachelor’s degree in physical education;
  • A master’s degree or doctorate in exercise physiology;
  • Certification from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
  1. Personal trainer

Main duties: Personal trainers design fitness programs to help both professional and amateur athletes reach their fitness goals in general fitness training. They also motivate and encourage their clients to stay on track and achieve their goals. Personal trainers help their clients to exercise correctly by designing customized workout routines. They also devise nutrition programs.

Skills needed:

  1. Sports Psychologist

Main duties: Sports psychologists help professional and amateur athletes improve their performance by teaching them mental techniques, for example, how to remain calm under pressure, how to attain their goals, and how to handle disappointment. They also work with coaches to help them create winning strategies and game plans.

Skills needed:

  • Strong interpersonal skills;
  • Observational skills;
  • Analytical skills;
  • Empathy;
  • Emotional Intelligence;
  • A degree in psychology;
  • You will also need to complete a professional internship and pass a professional certification exam.
  1. Sports Dietitian

Main duties: Sports dietitians develop eating strategies for athletes to promote optimum fitness and health to reach their peak performance. Sports dietitians also provide a dietary plan to help athletes recover after sports injuries and make healthy choices about their food.

Skills needed:

  • Self-motivated and the ability to work independently;
  • Organizational skills;
  • A degree in nutrition;
  • You will also need to complete a professional internship and pass a certification exam.
  1. Sports Agent

Main duties: A sports agent’s primary job is negotiating contracts for athletes and negotiating endorsement deals for their clients with corporate sponsors. They also provide guidance on financial planning and career development and manage marketing and promotion. Sports agents also actively scout and recruit new talent.

Skills needed:

  • Keen negotiating skills;
  • Expert knowledge of their clients’ sports;
  • Networking skills;
  • Sales ability;
  • A degree in business ;
  • The specialist knowledge of the sports industry.
  1. Sports Facility Manager

Main duties: Sports facility managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations, management, and supervision of sports facilities such as stadiums, arenas, or gyms, including the structures and grounds. They oversee the maintenance of the facility and ensure that it is up to code. They also plan sporting events and may also be involved in planning sports facilities, including the leasing of facilities or the refurbishment or construction of a facility.

Skills needed:

  • Management skills;
  • Attention to detail – ensuring the facility is clean, safe, and functional for public use;
  • A good understanding of budgets and financial forecasts.
  • A degree in business;
  • Experience working in the sporting industry.
  1. Sports Marketing Specialist

Main duties: Sports marketing specialists develop marketing and promotional plans for sporting events, teams, and products. They also oversee advertising and public relations campaigns for their clients. Marketing specialists promote sporting events and sports teams as well as products sold in retail stores or at sporting arenas. They also secure sponsorship for sporting events or their teams.

Skills needed:

  • Writing and Communication skills;
  • A degree in marketing or a related field;
  • Experience working in the sports industry.


Whether you’re interested in working with athletes to help them improve their performance or you’re more interested in the business side of things, as can be seen, there are a variety of jobs in the athletics industry. Each has its own set of duties and responsibilities, catering to the interests and ambitions of anyone who wants to make a successful career in the challenging world of sports.


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