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Cross Training For Runners

How To Start Running 2 Miles a Day & How Long Should It Take

6 Mins read

Looking for a simple fitness goal that can help you lose weight, improve endurance, and improve overall health (without pain or injury)? Then you should give running 2 miles a day a try.

Here’s the truth: Running a relatively short distance every day is an awesome way to build the exercise habit and get all the major benefits of running without the downsides.

It’s actually the ideal dose of running to keep you going every day without getting injured or burned out.

In today’s post, I’m going to share with you some of my best advice on how to start a running streak.

In this article, you’ll learn more about:

  • The benefits of running two miles a day
  • How to get started
  • How to stay safe
  • And so much more

Sound great?

Let’s get started

Running Streak Explained

Two miles, or 3.1 km, is a relatively and achievable distance that can lead to plenty of health benefits.

Let’s dive a little deeper into the reasons you should consider setting a goal of running every day.

Lose Weight

It goes without saying, but the reason number one most people take up running is to lose weight.

And you can certainly shed a lot of pounds by just running two miles every day.

Of course, how many calories you burn during a two-mile run will depend on your weight, speed, and fitness experience, but it’s still going to be a significant number.

Here are a few examples of caloric burn while running a 9-minute mile for a 160-pound runner.

  • 120-pound person – 180 calories running two miles.
  • 130-pound person – 190 calories running two miles.
  • 140-pound person – 210 calories running two miles.
  • 150-pound person – 225 calories running two miles.
  • 160-pound person – 240 calories running two miles.
  • 170-pound person – 255 calories running two miles.
  • 180-pound person – 270 calories running two miles.
  • 200-pound person – 300 calories running two miles.
  • 220-pound person – 330 calories running two miles.
  • 240-pound person – 360 calories running two miles.

Just keep in mind that running and exercise, in general, is not a silver bullet for weight loss.

It’s only one half of the battle—the other being your diet.

Stay More Consistent

Research shows that the best way to build a habit to turn your goal activity into a ritual that you do every for at least 30 days.

Doing a running streak is all about exercising every day.

Even though you’re only running for a relatively short distance, the consistency gains are real.

Improves Your Outlook

The other common reason people decide to become runners is the natural mood boost that comes with it.

With all the stress that life throws at us, it can be tricky to keep a positive outlook.

Maybe you feel burned out at work.

Maybe your partner is not as supportive as you’d like them to be.

Maybe the universe doesn’t feel like a friendly place anymore.


But by lacing up those shoes and logging your two miles, you’re telling the rest of the world that you’re strong and can do anything you set your mind to.

Protect You Against Cardiovascular Disease

Research shows that running and cardiovascular exercise in general, can improve heart health like nothing else.

For example, a meta-analysis reported that running regularly was correlated with a:

  • 30 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality
  • 23 percent reduced risk of cancer mortality
  • 27 percent reduced risk of all-cause mortality

No Excuses

Anytime you think that you are not fit enough or don’t have enough time to exercise, remember it’s just two miles.

Not even a 5K.

Let alone a marathon.

To Conclude

I can go on and on about the benefits of running two miles a day.

But by now, I hope you’re in.

Now let’s try and see if there’s any downside to the practice.

Additional resource – How to start running with your dog

The Dark Side of Running Two Miles A Day

Running two miles is a realistic training goal that virtually everyone can achieve, but, depending on your fitness level, it might cause overtraining if you push yourself too hard.

Clearly, running every day has a lot to offer.

But like almost any exercise plan, it has drawbacks.

If you’re trying to run two miles every, it’s best to skip your session if:

  • Feel enough pain to alter the way you move.
  • Pain gets progressively worse the longer you run
  • The pain is severe and refuses to fade away even after finishing the run.

There are a few things you can do to help protect yourself against injury and overtraining.

I’m sharing a few of them with you later on.

Keep on reading.

Will I lose Weight Running Two Miles a Day?

If you run two miles every day and are watching out for what you eat, you’ll more than likely lose weight.

The general rule is that you’ll burn about 100 to 120 calories per mile.

That means if you run two miles seven days a week, you’ll shed about 1400 to 1600 calories a week.

That might seem like much but keep doing the same workouts for three months, and you’ll end up burning off roughly 20,000 calories—which is the equivalent of five pounds!

Yes, five pounds without making any change to your lifestyle.

Want more challenge? Check my guide to running five miles everyday.

how long does it take to run 2 miles a day

How to Get Started Running 2 Miles A Day

Without further ado, here’s how to get on the two-mile-a-day path.

Go Slow

Are you a complete beginner runner?

If you have never run before, it’s probably going to challenging trying to run two miles straight—maybe you won’t even be able to run one mile without doubling over in pain.

If you have never run before, your first step is to start with a walk/run routine.

This is a method in which you alternate between intervals of running and walking—what’s known as the walk/run method.

That’s how you get fit without getting hurt.

I’d recommend to try jogging for one minute and walking for one to two minutes to get started.

Repeat the cycle until you’ve completed your two-mile workout.

As you get fitter, increase the time spent running and take less and less for recovery until you can run the two miles without breaks.

It might take you a few sessions to get there, or a couple of weeks.

It’s up to you.

Train at your own pace and stay within your fitness level.

Here’s the full guide to how long does it take to run a mile.

How Long Should It Take To Run 2 Miles?

The answer depends on the individual.

For example, if you just took up running and are following the run/walk strategy, it could take about 30 minutes to complete the 2-mile run.

But if you can already run two miles non-stop, expect to finish the workout in 15 to 20 minutes—depending on how fast you can go.

As the weeks progress, you’ll get faster and get massive perks.

It’s just a matter of practice and time.

Additional resource – Here’s your guide to running three miles a day.

Running Two Miles A Day – The Pace

As I explained earlier, as a beginner, you’ll do a mix of running and walking at an easy pace to help you meet that goal.

Just remember to start each workout with a 5-minute brisk walk as a warm-up, then finish it up with another 5-minute walk for cooldown.

Keep all of your two-mile runs at around 80 percent of your maximum, especially during the first few weeks and/or if you’re a complete beginner.

Do not run your body into the ground by the end of the session.

You should leave enough fuel in the tank to be able to do more.

Plan Your Sessions

Take sometime on the weekend to assess the week ahead, then carve out the times you want to run the two-miles.

By analyzing your daily schedule, you can choose the best time to fit in your runs.

I’d recommend getting up early and knocking it out right away, as research shows that people who work out in the morning are more likely to stay consistent.

Just whatever you do, choose a time based on your schedule.

Do what works for you.

Schedule your sessions just like you’d schedule work meetings or family events.

You wouldn’t skip either of those unless you want to lose your job or have trouble in your household.

Once you schedule your runs, stick to them—no matter what.

It’s only two miles, after all.

Additional resource – How To Run An 8-Minute Mile?

Pay Attention

Although running two miles a day is a great goal to have, remember to keep a keen eye on your body.

If you’re experiencing pain or just feel like you need to rest more, that’s completely fine.

Don’t do more than your body can handle—or else, you’ll get injured or burned out.


How To Start Running 2 Miles a Day – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’re looking to start a two-mile run streak, then today’s article is the perfect guide for you.

I have covered all the essentials, but if you still need more beginner runner advice, make sure to check my page here.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep Running Strong

David D.

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