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Cross Training For Runners

Top Biblical Verses To Inspire Your Running

1 Mins read

If you run a lot but have found yourself sometimes lacking the drive and motivation to head out the door, fear no more.

Everyone—even the most disciplined runners, lose some enthusiasm for logging the miles—sooner or later.

One way to get your mojo back is to simply find some inspiration and motivation in some Bible verses.

In fact, even if you don’t believe in God, the inspirational words you can find in the Bible can help—like a lot.

Even if you’re not a believer, you can still find inspiration from scripture when looking for motivation to run.

Here’s a list of my favorite bible quotes that can apply to running. Whether you’re a beginner runner or training for the 11th marathon, these should be enough to help you enliven your own running routine.

Some of the verses may refer to running or about pushing oneself against all odds to be the best.


practice running pace

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