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Cross Training For Runners

Breaking the Barrier: How to Run a Faster Mile and Set New Records

23 Mins read

Ready to kick your running into high gear and conquer that mile? Well, my friend, you’ve landed in the perfect spot.

Whether you’re just starting out on your running journey or aiming to shave seconds off your 5K time, improving your mile speed is a goal that will ignite your passion for the sport. Running a faster mile is no small feat, but with a few simple adjustments to your training regimen, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your speed goals.

In today’s post, I’m excited to share with you some tried-and-true strategies that will have you zooming past the finish line in record time. We’re talking about turning your mile dreams into a reality (and trust me, it’s not as far off as you might think).

So, what can you expect from this article? Allow me to give you a sneak peek:

We’ll start by diving into the nitty-gritty of what exactly the mile is and why it holds such significance in the running world.

Ever wondered how long it should take to conquer that single mile? We’ll answer that burning question.

But wait, there’s more! We’ll also delve into the juicy details of how to run a faster mile, including game-changing interval training techniques and how to gauge your mile pace.

Are you ready? Let’s get going.

What is the Mile Anyway?

Before we lace up our shoes and sprint towards our fastest mile, let’s take a moment to appreciate the true distance of this formidable challenge.

The term “mile” has a fascinating origin rooted in ancient Rome. Derived from the Latin term “mille passes,” meaning one thousand paces, the mile was initially defined as one thousand strides taken by the Roman soldiers. Picture this: each stride encompassed not one but two purposeful paces, leading to the birth of the mile as we know it today.

Now, if you reside in the United States, where miles reign supreme in measuring distances, you’re likely well-acquainted with the length of this iconic unit. However, for those accustomed to the metric system, fear not! A mile is equivalent to approximately 1609.34 meters. So, when you hit the track, be prepared to complete four loops (plus a few extra strides) to conquer this distance.

To put the magnitude of a mile into perspective, let’s embark on a little thought exercise. Imagine you’re strolling at a leisurely pace for 20 minutes. By the time you wrap up your peaceful stroll, you would have covered the distance of a mile. Alternatively, envision yourself standing at the starting line of a football field. To conquer a mile, you’d need to conquer an astonishing 17 and a half football fields. Impressive, right? And for those navigating the bustling streets of New York City, striding through approximately 20 city blocks will land you triumphantly at the one-mile mark.

Why the Mile Matters

Don’t be fooled by its seemingly short distance— the mile holds immense significance in the realm of running. While it may not span the same ground as those epic marathon adventures, conquering a fast mile demands a unique blend of endurance, strength, physical fitness, and mental fortitude. It’s a true test of your running prowess, pushing you to unleash your inner speed demon and surpass your limits.

But wait, there’s more to it than just the thrill of speed.

Devoting your time and effort to mastering the mile carries long-lasting benefits that extend beyond that singular achievement. By focusing on improving your mile time, you’ll forge a solid foundation of endurance and strength, propelling you towards even greater feats in your future training endeavors.

How Long Should It Take To Run 1 Mile?

Ah, if only I could provide you with an exact answer. Yet, the time it takes to complete a mile varies from runner to runner, influenced by a myriad of factors. Your current fitness level, age, weight, height, gender, and running experience all play their part in shaping your mile time destiny.

For those just embarking on their running voyage, let’s set some realistic expectations. A beginner, armed with determination and the willingness to take it one step at a time, can typically conquer a mile in roughly 12 to 15 minutes. This can be achieved through a more leisurely pace or by embracing the run-walk method, where you alternate between jogging and walking. It’s a gentle introduction to the world of running, ensuring that you don’t overwhelm yourself in those initial strides towards greatness.

Now, if you’ve already dipped your toes into the running realm and are seeking a swifter pace, the average runner aims to cover a mile in 8 to 12 minutes. That’s no easy feat, mind you. It requires a level of dedication and training that will truly elevate your performance.

But let’s not stop there. Let’s aim for the stars, shall we?

A seasoned runner, honing their skills over time, sets their sights on a mile time of less than 6 minutes. That’s a blazing pace, my friend.

To put it into perspective, imagine Eliud Kipchoge, the legendary marathoner, completing the Berlin Marathon with an astonishing time of 2:01:09. That equates to a mind-boggling pace of approximately 4 minutes and 37 seconds per mile. Talk about leaving your competitors in the dust!

The Fastest Mile Ever Run

It’s July 1999, and a young man from Morocco named Hicham El Guerrouj steps onto the hallowed grounds of the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. With the world championship games as his stage, El Guerrouj ignites a fire within him, fueled by a desire to push the boundaries of human speed. And push he does.

In a jaw-dropping display of athleticism and sheer determination, El Guerrouj blazes through the imperial mile in a mind-boggling time of 3 minutes, 43.13 seconds. Yes, you read that correctly— 3:43.13! It’s a sonic boom that shattered the existing limits, cementing El Guerrouj’s name in the record books as the fastest mile runner of all time.

But let’s not forget about the incredible women who have carved their own path of greatness. Enter Sifan Hassan, an Ethiopian powerhouse with legs like lightning. In a display of unrivaled speed and strength, Hassan claimed the title of the fastest mile ever run by a woman. With her mighty strides and indomitable spirit, she conquered the mile in a breathtaking time of 4 minutes and 12.33 seconds. A true force to be reckoned with.

And here’s a delightful nugget of trivia for you: since 1976, the mile has held a special place in the heart of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Amidst the metric frenzy, the mile stood tall as the only non-metric distance officially recognized by the IAAF. A testament to its enduring legacy and the awe-inspiring performances that have graced its distance.

How To Run a Faster Mile

Here are the tips you need to improve your mile time as fast as possible

Start With A Baseline

If you’re unsure of your current mile time, fear not! There’s a simple and effective way to find out. It’s time for a timed trial run. Think of it as your personal mile-time investigation, where you’ll uncover your starting point and pave the way for future progress.

But where shall this thrilling quest take place? The answer lies on the beloved standard track. Picture yourself stepping onto that oval path of possibility, where dreams are chased and milestones are conquered. Each lap on a standard track measures a precise 400 meters, and when you conquer four laps, voila! You’ve conquered the mile.

Now, here’s a friendly reminder: not all tracks are created equal. Some may be slightly shorter or longer, so it’s essential to do your math before embarking on this adventure. And if you’re unsure about the track’s length, don’t hesitate to ask. The track aficionados will happily guide you.

Before diving headfirst into the timed trial, it’s crucial to warm up those muscles and prepare your body for the challenge ahead. Dedicate a solid 10 minutes to a warm-up routine that gets your blood pumping and primes your legs for action.

Now, the moment has arrived. It’s time to put your mettle to the test and unleash your inner speed demon. Aim for a mile run that lands at a 9 out of 10 exertion rate. Push yourself, feel the burn, and give it your all. Once you cross that finish line, take note of your time and discover where your current ability lies.

But don’t stop there. This trial run isn’t a one-time affair. To truly gauge your progress and witness your growth, I recommend performing this test every 8 to 12 weeks. Tailor it to your training goals and personal preferences, allowing yourself to track your improvement.

Interval Training For A Faster Mile

Get ready to ignite your speed and unleash the running beast within. We’re about to delve into the world of high-intensity interval training—the secret sauce to improving your speed and boosting your running confidence. It’s time to leave your comfort zone behind and embrace the challenge of pushing your limits.

Now, the length and intensity of each interval will be as unique as your fingerprint. It all depends on factors such as your current fitness level, mile goals, and injury history. So take a moment to assess your individual circumstances and tailor your approach accordingly.

To embark on this exhilarating journey, start with a thorough 10- to 15-minute warm-up to get those muscles primed and ready for action. Once you’ve sufficiently awakened your inner speed demon, it’s time to dive into the heart-pounding, breath-taking world of speed intervals.

Here’s the drill: Alternate between sprinting at a blazing pace for a predetermined distance and then ease into an easy jog or a refreshing walk for the same distance to catch your breath and recover. Start with four to five repeats of these exhilarating cycles, and as your body adapts and grows stronger, gradually work your way up to eight reps over a few months..

You might opt for a few invigorating 200-meter sprints—half a lap—followed by a brief recovery period. Or, if you’re up for the challenge, you can tackle full 400-meter sprints—a full lap—before catching your breath. The choice is yours.

If you opt for 200-meter sprints, begin with six reps and gradually work your way up to 8 to 10 reps as you embrace your newfound speed and endurance. For those daring to conquer the 400-meter challenge, start with a more modest three to four reps, then gradually increase to five or six. Remember, you can perform these electrifying sessions on a track, a well-measured stretch of road, or even on the trusty treadmill.

When it comes to incorporating speedwork into your training plan, make sure to allocate at least one dedicated day per week for these exhilarating sessions. If you’re feeling extra competitive and hungry for progress, consider adding a second speedwork day into the mix—but don’t rush into it. Take the time to allow your body to adapt and savor the process.

Find Your Target Lap Time

Now that you’re ready to chase down your mile goal, it’s time to set your sights on a target time that will fuel your determination and guide your training.

If you’re uncertain where to begin, fear not! I’ve a starting point test that will help you gauge your current speed and serve as a launching pad for your mile conquest. After a solid 10-minute warm-up to awaken your muscles, it’s time to unleash your full effort and run that mile like there’s no tomorrow. Take note of your time, and this will serve as your initial baseline.

Now, let’s head over to the track. Picture it as your personal arena, where dreams of speed and endurance come to life. Remember, a standard track measures 400 meters per lap, which means you’ll need to complete four laps (plus an extra nine meters) to conquer the mile.

To determine your lap time goal, divide your desired mile time by four. Let’s say you’re aiming for a magnificent 7-minute mile. This means you’ll need to maintain a pace of 1 minute and 45 seconds per lap, or 4 minutes and 20 seconds per kilometer.

With your goal lap time in mind, it’s time to put your speed to the test. Start with a series of 8 to 10 exhilarating 200-meter repetitions at your target pace of 1 minute and 45 seconds per 400 meters. After each sprint, take a well-deserved 30-second recovery period to catch your breath and prepare for the next round. Feel the rush as you push yourself to match your goal pace and bring your mile aspirations to life.

Additional resource – How to run at night

Build Endurance

Speed is undoubtedly important when it comes to running a fast mile, but let’s not forget about the other crucial piece of the puzzle—your ability to conquer longer distances. To truly enhance your mile performance, it’s essential to build your endurance and push beyond the mile marker.

Now, you might already be comfortably running distances that extend beyond a mile, but we’re going to take it up a notch. Prepare yourself for a run that’s significantly longer than what you’re accustomed to. This is where the magic happens.

To gradually increase your running distance, it’s best to start with a steady and measured approach. Begin by adding a mile or two to your weekly mileage, giving your body the chance to adapt and strengthen. For instance, if you’re currently running two to three miles in each session, aim to add one mile to your weekly total each week until you’re consistently covering six to eight miles per session. Slowly but surely, you’ll expand your running horizons.

Let’s break it down further. Suppose your longest run currently stands at a respectable four miles, and your weekly mileage amounts to a solid 12 miles. In that case, you can aim to increase your longest run by approximately one mile per week. This gradual progression allows your body to adjust and prevents overexertion. Alternatively, you can aim to increase your total weekly mileage by up to 10 percent each week, providing a balanced approach to building your endurance.

Now, if you’re setting your sights on a half marathon or even a full marathon, it’s crucial to keep building distance on that long training day. The long run, complemented by your other scheduled runs, will work wonders for your endurance, stamina, and ultimately lead to faster times in your mile pursuits.

Improve your Leg Strength for a Faster Mile

When it comes to improving your mile time, it’s not just about speed and endurance—it’s also about building strength. While running more and pushing your limits is crucial, what you do on your non-running days can make a world of difference in your performance.

Strength training is a key component for unlocking your full running potential. Your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and core all play vital roles in propelling you forward and maintaining efficient form. By strengthening these muscles, you set yourself up for success, allowing you to run faster with greater ease and less effort.

But don’t worry, we’re not talking about becoming a professional bodybuilder here. Incorporating a few targeted exercises into your routine can work wonders.

Let’s explore some of the best exercises to boost your running speed:

  • Squats: These compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Squats are a powerhouse movement that can enhance your overall lower body strength.
  • Squat-thrusters: Taking the squat to the next level, squat-thrusters combine a squat with an explosive jump, activating your leg muscles and elevating your heart rate. They’re fantastic for building power and explosiveness.
  • Lunges: Lunges target your glutes, quads, and hamstrings individually, helping to correct muscle imbalances and improve stability. They also mimic the running motion, making them highly functional for runners.
  • Burpees: Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines strength, cardio, and coordination. They engage your upper body, lower body, and core, providing a comprehensive workout in a single movement.
  • One-legged squats: Also known as pistol squats, these challenging exercises strengthen your legs individually while improving balance and stability. They’re excellent for targeting muscle imbalances and enhancing overall leg strength.
  • Calf raises: Strong calves are essential for powerful push-offs and efficient running strides. Calf raises specifically target the calf muscles, helping to improve your running economy and speed.

As a general guideline, aim for 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise within a circuit. You can perform multiple circuits, typically two to three, to maximize your training. Remember, consistency is key. Incorporate strength training sessions into your weekly routine, aiming for two 30- to 45-minute sessions. This dedicated time will yield great results and complement your running endeavors.

Run Hills To Improve Mile Speed

Ready to take your training up a notch? How about incorporating the power of hills into your speedwork and strength training routine? Hill reps are like the secret weapon of runners, igniting your glutes, increasing leg strength, and propelling you toward that faster mile time.

Why are hills so magical? Well, besides the obvious challenge they present, running uphill can actually work wonders for your running efficiency and lactate threshold. It’s like giving your legs a turbo boost while improving your overall endurance. Plus, the best part is that hill workouts put less stress on your body compared to flat surface running, so you can reap the benefits without overtaxing yourself.

So how do you incorporate hills into your mile training plan? It’s simple, really. First, scout out a hill that’s about 300 feet long with a moderate gradient. You want it to be steep enough that running up feels like an 8 or 9 out of 10 in terms of effort. This is where the magic happens.

Now, get ready for some uphill sprints. Start with six to eight reps, giving it your all for about 30 seconds on each sprint. Then, take a nice, leisurely jog back down the hill to recover. It’s a cycle of intensity and rest, pushing yourself to the limit and then catching your breath. And trust me, you’ll feel the burn.

As you tackle those hill reps, pay attention to your technique. Focus on maintaining good form and don’t try to brute force your way to the top. It’s all about controlled power and efficiency. And if you’re up for an extra challenge, find a steeper hill that will really put your leg power to the test.

If you find yourself confined to the treadmill, don’t worry. You can still reap the benefits of hill training. Just set the incline to around 4 to 6 percent, and you’ll mimic the resistance and intensity of running uphill. It may not be the same as conquering a real hill, but it’s a great alternative when the terrain isn’t on your side.

Improve Your Form

Running a faster mile is like a well-choreographed dance, where every move matters. It’s not just about logging more miles on the pavement; it’s about honing your technique.

So, let’s dive into the world of running form and discover how it can elevate your speed and endurance.

As you lace up your running shoes, focus on maintaining proper form throughout your stride. Imagine a string pulling you upward, elongating your spine, and keeping your back straight. Engage your core to provide stability and power to your movements. And remember, relaxed shoulders are the secret to a fluid and efficient run.

As you pound the pavement, pay attention to your foot strike. Aim to land on your midfoot, allowing for a smooth transition from one step to the next. This not only enhances your speed but also reduces the risk of injury.

Keep your head up, gazing straight ahead, as if there’s a finish line waiting for you in the distance. Avoid the temptation to hunch over or tilt your neck down—it’s all about maintaining a balanced and confident posture.

Now, let’s talk about those arms. Keep them bent at a comfortable 90-degree angle, with a slight bend at the elbows. Your arms should act as efficient pendulums, swinging back and forth to propel you forward. Think of them as your secret weapon, assisting your legs in their quest for speed.

Remember, it’s not just about how you move; it’s also about how you engage your core and take those strides. Activate your core muscles, those powerhouses in your midsection, to maintain stability and generate efficient force. Embrace quick and short strides, avoiding the temptation to overstride. Taking giant leaps may seem impressive, but it can actually hinder your speed and put unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints.

Now, let’s spice things up with some dynamic warm-up drills. These drills serve as a warm-up for your body and a tune-up for your running technique. They help optimize your movement and ensure that every step counts.

Incorporate drills that emphasize different aspects of proper running form into your warm-up routine. Start with some butt kicks to activate your hamstrings and improve your stride. Then, channel your inner soldier and march forward with purpose, focusing on your posture and leg extension.

Improve Your Cadence

Imagine your feet as the percussion section of an orchestra, setting the rhythm and tempo of your run. It’s not just about the length of your stride; it’s about the rate at which your feet hit the ground—the enchanting dance known as running cadence.

So, let’s explore how this rhythmic element can unlock your speed potential and keep you injury-free.

When you’re aiming to pick up the pace, resist the temptation to elongate your stride like a sprinting cheetah. Instead, focus on increasing your cadence by taking shorter and quicker steps. It may seem counterintuitive, but research has shown that this adjustment can not only boost your speed but also reduce the risk of overuse injuries. It’s like finding the perfect rhythm for your body to thrive.

While many running experts tout a cadence of 170-180 strides per minute as the gold standard, it’s important to note that cadence is a deeply personal metric. Each runner has their own unique cadence sweet spot. So, don’t be swayed by a one-size-fits-all approach—let your body guide you.

Let’s dive into how you can determine your current cadence and work towards improving it. During your next run, take a minute to count the number of steps you take with just one foot. Double that count to get your total cadence. If you have a trusty running watch, it might even estimate your cadence for you, adding a touch of modern convenience to your journey.

Now, if you find that your current stride falls on the lower side of the spectrum, fear not. Improving your cadence is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. Begin by gradually increasing your stride count by 3 to 5 steps every few runs. It’s like adding musical notes to your symphony, crafting a livelier and more harmonious performance.

Lose Extra Weight

Looking for that extra burst of motivation to shed those extra pounds? Well, buckle up, because the impact of weight on your running performance is about to blow your mind.

Weight, my friend, is a complex measurement influenced by a multitude of factors like diet, access to food, hormones, sleep, lifestyle, and socioeconomic conditions. But when it comes to running, shedding excess weight can be a game-changer for your speed and overall performance.

Think of it this way: running is like a dance between your body and the ground. The larger your body, the more energy you need to propel yourself forward, making running a weight-bearing exercise in every sense. So, naturally, your weight plays a significant role in the force and intensity of your running strides.

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Let’s dive into some fascinating research that backs up the impact of weight loss on running performance. In a study, runners were found to gain an impressive 2 seconds per mile for every pound they shed. So, imagine the possibilities—a 16-pound weight loss could slash a whopping 30 seconds off your mile time. That’s a significant difference that can truly elevate your running game.

And guess what? This isn’t just a one-off study. In a classic experiment conducted in 1978, researchers explored how adding extra weight affected a 12-minute run performance. They discovered that for every additional pound added, the running pace slowed down by approximately 1.4 seconds per mile.

But here’s an interesting twist. Another study took the reverse approach and focused on lightening runners’ loads. By reducing runners’ weight by 5 to 10 percent of their normal body weight using ropes and pulleys while they ran on a treadmill, researchers found that they became approximately 2.4 seconds faster per mile for every pound they shed. It’s like shedding those pounds gives you a boost of running superpowers.

Now, I know what you might be thinking—a few seconds per mile doesn’t sound like much. But let me put it into perspective for you. A 16-pound weight loss could translate to a jaw-dropping 20 to 30 seconds faster mile time. That’s a significant improvement, all thanks to shedding those excess pounds.

Now, keep in mind that these studies were conducted in a controlled lab setting, so real-world conditions may have their variations. Plus, losing weight isn’t always a straightforward process. You might inadvertently lose some muscle along with the fat, which isn’t ideal. And if you’re training for a demanding race, you need to ensure you’re fueling your body adequately to avoid compromising your training and overall performance.

Recover Well

Recovery is the unsung hero of your journey to a faster mile. While it’s vital to push yourself outside your comfort zone during training, giving your body the time and space to recover is equally crucial in achieving the results you desire. It’s all about finding that delicate balance between pushing your limits and allowing yourself to recharge.

Now, let’s explore some tried-and-true methods to optimize your rest days:

First and foremost, make sure to schedule at least one full rest day each week. This is your opportunity to kick back, relax, and let your body rejuvenate. Trust me, your muscles will thank you for it.

Remember, variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to training. Avoid consecutive days of intense workouts, such as back-to-back interval training or grueling hill reps. Your body needs time to recover from the intensity, so mix it up and give yourself some breathing room.

Ah, glorious sleep! Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s rest. Aim for a solid 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to allow your body to repair, regenerate, and prepare for your next epic running adventure.

A balanced diet is your ticket to optimal recovery. Ensure your nutrition plan includes all three macronutrients—carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats—and focus on nourishing, nutrient-dense foods. Think of your body as a high-performance machine that needs the right fuel to keep running smoothly.

Stretching is like a magical elixir for your muscles. Incorporate regular stretching sessions into your routine to improve flexibility, prevent injuries, and promote faster recovery. You can even explore the realm of yoga and try poses specifically designed to rejuvenate your running muscles. Trust me, your body will thank you for the added flexibility and grace.

Don’t forget the power of the mighty foam roller. It’s like a personal masseuse that works out all the kinks and knots in your muscles. Roll away the tension, release any tight spots, and let the soothing sensation of the foam roller bring you sweet relief.

If you’re looking for an extra dose of relaxation and restoration, consider treating yourself to a massage. Whether it’s a professional massage therapist or a self-massage session at home, kneading those weary muscles can do wonders for your recovery process.

Ever heard of acupressure? It’s like unlocking the hidden energy pathways within your body. You can explore the world of acupressure mats or try applying targeted pressure to specific points to alleviate muscle soreness and promote healing. It’s a whole new level of recovery bliss.

For the full guide to recovery for runners, check my post here.

Be Consistent

Listen up, my friend, because I’m about to drop some wisdom that applies to more than just running a sub-7-minute mile. Whether you’re chasing a 7-figure income or striving for athletic greatness, one thing holds true: consistency is the golden key to success.

Now, let’s dive into the world of running and uncover the secrets of consistent training to improve your mile time. It’s time to go beyond whimsical jogs and embrace a structured plan that will take you to new heights.

As a general rule, I strongly recommend following a training plan. You can find one online or even seek guidance from a knowledgeable coach. The key is to have a roadmap that outlines your running journey and keeps you on track towards your goal. Trust me, having a plan in place will work wonders for your mile-crushing endeavors.

Here’s the secret sauce: aim to run four to five days a week. Consistency is the name of the game here. It’s not about sporadic bursts of running brilliance; it’s about building a solid foundation and sticking to it. By logging those miles on a regular basis, you give your body the chance to adapt and thrive under the high-impact stresses of running faster.

Think of it like building a grand masterpiece. You don’t just slap a few brushstrokes on the canvas and call it a day. No, my friend, you carefully and consistently add layer upon layer, stroke by stroke, until your creation comes to life. Running is no different. Each mile you conquer is a stroke of progress, and the key to unlocking your full potential lies in the consistent repetition of those strokes.

Here’s how to weave consistency into your running routine:

  • Step one: Find a training plan that suits your needs and aligns with your goals. Whether it’s a tried-and-true plan from the running gods of the internet or a personalized masterpiece crafted by a coach, choose a path that resonates with you.
  • Step two: Lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement with dedication. Commit to running four to five days a week, rain or shine. Make it non-negotiable, just like brushing your teeth or scrolling through your favorite social media feed (we all have our guilty pleasures).
  • Step three: Embrace the journey. Consistency is not a sprint; it’s a marathon (pun intended). It takes time for your body to adapt and for those improvements to shine through. Be patient, my friend, and trust the process. The magic happens when you show up day after day, putting in the work and allowing your body to transform into a well-oiled running machine.

One-Mile Training Plan

Just because it’s just a “mile,” it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow a running program to help you improve your time.

Depending on your running experience and starting point, training for the mile might sound like a little or a lot. But, regardless of your current goals, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to the mile.

A 1-mile training plan is useful for any serious runner craving more structure as they strive to improve their mile time and performance.

The good news is that there are many one-mile training plans available online. But before you go and pick one, I recommend you review any schedule with a running coach or someone with more running experience than you.

Don’t have access to a running coach? Then feel free to email me at or, at the very least, ensure your chosen training plan is well-rounded.  An ideal running schedule for the mile should include short-distance sessions, long-distance sessions, cross-training workouts, and rest days—just like any other training plan would.

The main variable is the distance. For example, a long-distance marathon session might be 20 miles, but you won’t need to run that far to improve your mile time.

The exact training plan will depend on your fitness level, pace, running and experience, and most importantly, your goal pace.

What’s more?

Remember that you don’t need to train on specific days, but you might want to avoid running twice a row as a beginner. The fitter you get, the more load you can handle over time.

On your non-running days, feel free to cross-train or rest so your body can recover and adapt to training.

The below one-mile training plan is ideal for beginners, those returning from break, or runners looking to keep base training fitness during the off-season.

 Week One 

  • Monday – Three miles easy
  • Tuesday – Cross train or rest
  • Wednesday –Speedwork: 10 X 200-meter. 30 seconds rest.
  • Thursday – Cross train or rest
  • Friday – three miles moderate
  • Saturday – 45 to 60 minutes long run at an easy pace
  • Sunday – Cross train or rest

Week Two

  • Monday – four miles easy
  • Tuesday – Cross train or rest
  • Wednesday – Speedwork: 8 X 400-meter. One minute rest.
  • Thursday – Cross train or rest
  • Friday – Four miles moderate
  • Saturday – 60 minutes long run at an easy pace
  • Sunday – Cross train or rest

Week Three 

  • Monday – Three miles easy
  • Tuesday – Cross train or rest
  • Wednesday –Speedwork: 5 X 800-meter. One minute rest
  • Thursday– Cross train or rest
  • Friday –Three miles easy
  • Saturday – 80 minutes long run at an easy pace
  • Sunday – Cross train or rest

Week Four 

  • Monday – Four miles easy
  • Tuesday – Cross train or rest
  • Wednesday – Speedwork: 10 X 400-meter at target pace. 30-second rest
  • Thursday – Cross train or rest
  • Friday –Three miles moderate
  • Saturday – 80 minutes long run
  • Sunday – Rest

Week Five

Monday – Test Run or Race!

Race Day Advice For Running Your Fastest Mile

Feel like you’re ready to test your mettle? Then let’s see how fast you can run that mile.


I hate to sound like a broken record, but before you try to run your fastest mile, you should get your muscle set and ready first. A proper warm-up is key for injury prevention and sets the stage for optimal performance.

So what kind of warm-up I’d recommend?

Simple. Start by jogging for 10 to 15 minutes, then perform a series of dynamic stretches such as high knees, butt kicks, inchworms, and toy soldiers. Next, perform fast but short strides to get your body firing on all cylinders.

Get Your Mind Ready

The mile is no distance to scoff at, so you better approach it with the right mindset and respect. Although it’s only four laps around the track, it will hurt.

Mentally go through the four laps in your head. Know exactly what times you want at each lap, then picture yourself running the perfect mile. See yourself running strong, tall, and with good technique. Leave nothing for chance.

Stick to Your Target Lap Time

Have a mile goal? Great. Now break down your target mile time by 4 to determine your target lap time.

If you aim to run a 7-minute mile, you have to run the equivalent of four laps of a standard track at exactly 90 seconds per lap or a 3.45 minute per kilometer.

Have A Stopwatch

A useful tool to have during your mile training is a stopwatch.

When running at a measured distance, a stopwatch will help you accurately measure your lap times and ensure you’re running at the right pace in line with your mile training plan.

The First Lap

Run the first lap as fast as possible, even if it means kicking off the one-mile run faster than needed to get your goal time.

Mentally you’re likely to slow down as you run more laps, so make up for lost time during the first lap. But be careful not to spend all your energy.

The Second Lap

Run this lap at exactly your target time. For example, in the 7-minute mile I mentioned before, lap two is when you should be running exactly one minute 45 seconds, so your time by the halfway point should be around 3:25 to 3:29.

The Third Lap

Lap 3 is the critical part of the mile distance, where you must push yourself the hardest to ensure you don’t slow down. Focus to keep yourself on pace when every cell in your body is begging you to slow down.

To psych up, try devoting that third lap to someone important in your life and promise not to disappoint them.

The third lap is the toughest. This is, in fact, the lap that will determine whether you achieve your goal time or not. You’re more likely to slow down for your initial pace.

The Fourth Lap

The last lap is where you lay it all out. You’re at the final stretch of the mile. The hardest part is already over, and it’s time to run as fast as possible.

Chances you’ve already slowed down on your previous laps, so you need to dig deep and push yourself the hardest. Know that the end is nigh.

And during the last curve, perform the “kick” by sprinting the last 200 meters as fast as possible.

How To Run a Faster Mile –  The Conclusion

There you have it! Trying to run a faster mile shouldn’t be that complicated. All you need is the right mindset, strategies, and a bit of luck. Don’t forget to have enough rest and recovery, so your body will work effectively.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

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