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Cross Training For Runners

The Runner’s Guide To 5K Pace Charts

3 Mins read

Whether you’re looking to break your personal record or trying to place in your age group, using 5K pace charts can assist in your efforts.

How come? Simple. The 5K pace tables can help you to instantly determine how fast you’re running in miles and kilometers and how that translates to race pace.

The rest is just details.

Would you like to learn more? Then keep on reading.

Let’s get started.

What’ is A 5K Pace Chart?

First things first, what’s a 5K pace chart, and why is it’s s important?

Also known as a time chart, a 5K pace chart consists of a table that breaks down the time at each mile split (and/or kilometer split) and provides a projected 5K finish time based on running pace.

Why is it important? Determining, as well as practicing, your goal 5K pace before the big day helps, but using a 5K pace chart will give you an extra edge by actually estimating your finish time as well. (Learn more about how long is a 5K in miles here)

For example, if your goal time is 25:00, your average pace will be about 5:00 per kilometer.

This means that you’ll need to complete your first kilometer in around five minutes, then you have to reach the second kilometer 10 minutes in, third in 15 minutes, fourth in 20 minutes, and you should complete the race in 25 minutes.

Check the splits in the table below for more examples.

Here’s more good news. 5K pace charts are easy to use. All you need is an awareness of your overall running pace.

By knowing your pace, you can easily structure your training accordingly to reach your goal. If you have a specific 5K target time for the event, find that target in the corresponding column on the right.

Additional resource:

The 5K Pace Chart You Need

As far as I can tell, the most reliable way to choose a goal is to use a 5K time chart to project an estimated finish time in line with a mile pace that’s closest to your normal training speed.

The 5K pace chart below divides each mile split for different speeds. You’ll definitely be able to find what works best for you with a range of paces from 4.30 to 15.00 minutes per mile, broken down in 30-second intervals.

You can also use your present 5K pace to choose the pace target for the intervals from the table below. The pace targets are expressed both in mins/mile and mins/km.

Additional Resource – Guide to running pace charts

What’s a Good 5K pace?

Since we are on the subject of 5K pace, let me share some thoughts on what makes a good 5K speed.

A good 5K pace will depend on different elements such as your age, training experience, fitness level, race day conditions, etc.

All in all, a good 5K pace is a speed that challenges your body without breaking it down.

Let me explain more.

Toeing the 5K line for the first time? Try sticking to a pace that you can comfortably keep up throughout the 3.1 miles.

If you already have a few races under your belt, aim for a finish time slightly faster than your previous one(s).

As you get fitter and run more races, up the ante by aiming to run faster than before. In fact, the 5K race is the perfect opportunity to push yourself and strive for your best.

The rest, as the saying goes, is details.

Additional Resources:

What’s A Good 5K Time For A Beginner.

Here’s your guide to beginner running pace

The Runner’s Guide To 5K Pace Charts – Conclusion

There you have it. The 5K race chart shared here is enough to get you started on the right foot and set your feasible target. The rest is really up to you.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

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