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Beginner Runner

How to Make Running a Habit

13 Mins read

This morning, my alarm clock went off at 6:00 a.m.

I try to go to bed at the same time every day, which is around 10:00 p.m., to get 7-8 hours of healthy sleep.

Even when I was in college, I did the same. Like everyone else, I had assignments that required me to stay up past midnight. But I was hiring professional essay writer to write paper for me and delegating my homework whenever possible not to stay up late.

That’s why I didn’t have trouble waking up at 6 a.m. then. Today, it is even easier for me to get up so early

Within minutes I was out of my bed and had my running gear on: I’d put on running shoes and socks, a t-shirt, and my favorite workout shorts.

At exactly 6:15 I was out the door, and within a few minutes I’d started warming up for my run.

Today was Thursday, so my training schedule says it’s tempo run day.

Tomorrow I’ll be waking up at the same time but with a different goal in mind.

I’ll be doing a yoga workout, and later in the afternoon I’ll be hitting the gym for a CrossFit WOD (Workout of The Day)-I prefer going to the gym in the evening for “productivity” reasons.

This is my exercise schedule, and for me, most of it’s on autopilot.

I don’t even have to think about it anymore.

No resistance.

No self-forcing.

No teeth-grinding.

And no putting off things.

In fact, nowadays, ‘though my workout schedule looks full, it requires almost no willpower for me to stick with the routine.

It just happens on its own.

Naturally, every now and then I can stray a bit off-course — it’s just a part of life.

But I always come back stronger.

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I’d use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. 

A Very Common Struggle

I’m well aware that forming an exercise habit isn’t the easiest thing for most people Most folks’ start a healthy habit—whether it’s running, eating clean, reading, or just spending less time on social media—then stop, then re-start again, then stop again.

What I’m about to share with you today will help you learn how to break that endless cycle and turn your running (or any other workout routine) into a lifelong habit.

The Power of Habits

In my three decades on this planet, I’ve come to learn a crucial truth about life.

It’s a shattering realization that can mean either disaster or bliss.

You choose which.

Ready? Here it is.

We, the members of this remarkable species, pride ourselves on our high levels of ingenuity and creativity.

But if we study our behavior—just as an alien visiting the plan and trying to understand us would—we will wake up to a sobering and really painful realization:

We are nothing but creatures of habits.

In fact, our life today is basically the sum of habits.

We—mostly unconsciously—repeat 95 percent of our physical and mental patterns from one day to the next.

Good vs. Bad Habits

Habits can make your or break you.

It all depends on the type of habit you build.

If you’re out of shape, or overweight, if you can’t climb a set of stairs without gasping for a breath if your life depended on it, then you’ve undoubtedly spent a lot of time (mostly in front of the TV, eating junk food and whatnot) building the habits that led to your condition.

The good news is that you can also use healthy habits to turn things around.

Good habits are what sets healthy people apart from the rest.

Note: Are you serious about learning more about the power of habits then you should check out “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg.

In my humble opinion, it’s the best book on the subject and has helped me on so many levels.

Another book I highly recommend is “The Power of Full Engagement” by Tony Schwartz & Jim Loehr.

This book was a real breakthrough for me, especially when it comes to time management and productivity.

Additional resource – One mile training plan

The Habit Building System You Need

Even though we humans are creatures of habits, the truth is that developing and maintaining healthy habits—especially the running habit—is no easy feat.

But no worries. Today you’re going to learn some valuable lessons to help you turn your existing running routine into a habit.

Are you excited?

Here we go…

  1. Start Small

Most people who start a running program sabotage their new resolution by running too much too soon.

This is the wrong approach, and a recipe for disaster.

It will only lead to injury, severe burnout, and unneeded resentment.

As a beginner, you must start with an extremely manageable and realistic goal and work up from there.

Starting small—like opting for the walk-run method, or just doing a short run around the block—will make running easy to stick to in your first few weeks.

This can make or break your running resolution.

“A short run is better than none” is one of my favorite affirmations, and it usually gets me out the door when I’m running low on willpower and motivation.

This mantra resonates even more with beginner runners.

Whatever you want to achieve—whether it’s losing 20 pounds, running a 10K, or just being able to jog for 20-minutes without losing your breath—make sure your goal is realistic and small.

The walk-run method

The ideal approach to making running a habit—especially if you are beginner—is to start with the walk-run method as the gateway to your running program.

Here’s the beginner running program you need for that.

Additional Resource – When it’s the best time to run

  1. Come Up with a Running Plan

Once you’ve decided to start running and have set a goal, you must back up your vision with a concrete plan.

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This golden management adage often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, applies 100 percent to managing exercise plans of any kind.

It holds a lot of truth to it.

So, make a list and plan thoroughly everything that’s related to your running, from identifying a running route to choosing the time and type of run you’re going to do.

Preselect your music playlist and anything else that’s a part of your training routine.

Just as important as planning your run, you must also plan your rewards.

Maybe it’s a delicious post-run smoothie, a massage, or a hot shower.

It can be anything that gets you going.

These rewards will motivate you to run, and that’s a good thing for achieving your long term goal.

Write It Down

Research confirms the effectiveness of planning when it comes to achieving fitness and health goals.

In fact, in an experiment conducted at the University of Hertfordshire, subjects with no plan had a hard time reaching their goals when attempting to fulfill New Year’s resolutions.

Therefore, once you decide on the building blocks of your running plan, write it down, and post it where you can see it on a regular basis.

Just make sure to be specific about each detail.

These include:

  • Running distance
  • Running time
  • Running duration
  • Type of a run
  • Walk/run ratio (for the complete beginner)
  • Training pace
  • Running route

I have written a comprehensive guide to running program design.

You can find it here.

Also, prepare in advance your running shoes, clothes, water bottle, and running backpack, preferably the night before.

This helps eliminate any excuse to skip the run.

Additional resource – How to Walk 10K Steps a day

  1. Turn Your Plan into a Ritual

After coming up with a concrete plan, your next step is to “ritualize” your running.

This is something I learned from Tony Schwarz, the author of “The Power of Full Engagement”, a highly acclaimed book on productivity and personal management.

This is a must read if you’re serious about making lasting changes in your life.

So, what’s a ritual and how can having one help you?

A ritual is a specific set of behaviors that you do at the same time every day, or on the precise and exact days you select.

To form a ritual, you have to define the specific behaviors—whether they have to do with running, weight lifting, meditation, you name it—that you’ll be engaging in.

Once they’ve been defined, they need to be performed at the designated moment.

By laying down an exact time for your running routine, you no longer have to burn up energy planning when to get it done.

Rituals also have the advantage of having a spiritual and religious connotation that makes them more enticing, even if you are not a religious or spiritual person.

Additional reading – How to Prevent Overuse Injury

  1. Set a Specific Time for the Ritual

It’s important to choose a particular time of day to run.

You need to decide whether you’re more likely (and have the time) to stick with your running ritual in the morning, midday or evening, and once you select a time you need to stay consistent with that time, no matter what.

I’ve set my time for 6:15 a.m. every day, and I usually do my best when I don’t stray from it, whether I’m going for a run or doing yoga.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” ― Benjamin Franklin

To increase the chances of success, schedule your runs the same way you schedule an important work meeting or family obligation.

Make it a must by carving out a slot from your calendar.

That’s how to do it if you’re serious about making it.

Get into the habit of drawing a big red “X” through any day on the calendar you plan to go for a run.

This means roughly three to four big red “Xs” should be on your weekly calendar.

  1. Run First Thing in the Morning

We lead busy lives.

We have endless work hours and kids to take care of, the excellent but sabotaging world of social media and our daily obligations all take a toll on your running lifestyle.

With all that said, I think the best way to get around a hectic life schedule is to run in the early morning when willpower is high and the rest of the world is still asleep.

Research shows that consistent exercisers make an effort to work out first thing in the morning, so do your best to start running in the morning before the whole world, especially your kids, start waking up.

How? It’s really simple.

All you need to do is to wake up an hour earlier, have a light snack (if you want one), then go for a run.

Once you’re done you can shower, have a delicious healthy breakfast and you’ll be ready to take on the rest of the day, knowing that you’ve already accomplished more than most people do.

Remember that morning people aren’t born: they’re built.

Running first thing in the morning will boost your metabolism, and you’ll be more productive for the rest of the day, which is coooool.

  1. Lay Out your Running Gear

If you have a run scheduled in the morning, make sure to get your running gear ready the night before.

Doing this will help you head out the door with minimum friction, as there’s nothing worse than waking up early and having to hunt through a dark room in a semi-awake state for gear that you need.

This is especially important if you’re not naturally a morning person: if your running gear is nowhere to be found, you’re much more likely to drop the whole plan and say that you’ll run another time.

So what do you need to lay out? Your clothes from underwear and running socks to your hat.

Earphones, shoes,  watch, hydration belt, headlamp, reflective vest, gels, even post-run rewards—everything that’s needed for your run, in a nutshell.

For more discipline, try sleeping in your running clothes.

If you’re an efficiency freak like me, this is your best option. 😉

  1. Make it Regular

Once you decide on a running ritual, do your best to never skip a workout.

If you skip a day, the process of the exercise habit formation only gets harder.

It’s all about keeping your momentum going, especially during the first few weeks.

The easiest way to keep your resolution going is simply not to stop.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

It’s a basic physic law, and you should use it to your advantage.

If your ultimate goal is to run three times a week, then schedule your three runs on non-consecutive days (On Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, for instance) and do your best not to miss a day.

Pick A Time

Whether you’re more likely to stick to training in the morning, lunchtime, or after work, make sure to run at the same time of the day.

I have set the time of 6:45 a.m. every day to exercise, and though I’m not perfect, I do my best not to vary from that time.

To get going, schedule at least five workouts per week:

  • Three runs and
  • Two cross-training routines—think strength training and yoga.

On rest days, stay active.

Go for long walks or hikes.

Or hop on the bike.

The principle is, as long as you keep moving during the first few weeks, you’ll further ingrain the habit of exercise into your daily schedule.

Prioritize Your Workout Schedule

Once you choose a training schedule, treat your running dates just like any other appointment that gets scheduled. What gets prioritized, gets done.

Your fitness and health are the most crucial reasons to stick to a regular running routine, so don’t cancel appointments that will enrich these vital facets of your life.

  1. Make it Pleasurable

It should come as no surprise that if you don’t enjoy doing something, you’re not going to stick with it—especially not for the long haul.

Forming (and keeping) a habit is going to be hard if you don’t enjoy running.

In fact, if your runs feel like a death march then you’re doing something wrong. While forming an exercise habit, keep your focus on pleasure and fun, not on the end results.

Want some ideas for making running more enjoyable?

  • Go buy some fun new running gear in colors that make you happy
  • Run with a friend or dog, or both
  • Explore new places.
  • Enjoy the scenery by picking a pristine trail route, and make a point of breathing in the fresh morning air
  • Use an app to track your runs so you can gauge your progress
  • Enjoy the beautiful sky. Contemplate the quietude of solitude.
  • Load up your playlist with your favorite songs. Upbeat music will keep you going while taking your mind off fatigue.
  • Use the opportunity to listening to an audiobook, podcast or radio show.

The possibilities are endless.

  1. Recharge—Have a Recovery Day

Your body needs recovery.

It’s a chance to rest and readapt to your training load.

I highly recommend that you take one day of total rest every week.

If you feel that you need less rest, limit yourself on that day to a half hour of easy walking.

The secret is to do something every day but your rest day, and ideally it should be an activity that gets you fired up and keeps your habit formation going.

Don’t shy away from other exercise routines since they’ll also help you ingrain the exercise habit.

Do plenty of strength training, swimming, biking, and yoga.

  1. Give Your Running Ritual Eight Weeks

Give yourself at least 66 days to make your new habit stick.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but habits don’t form (or change) overnight.

Perseverance is the name of the game. In fact, according to research conducted at The London University College, it can take up to six to eight weeks to form a lifelong, lasting habit, so stick with it for at least 50 to 60 days.

After you reach that point, the habit will start to feel natural in your daily life. For running, it’s when you start building enough cardio base to run for about 45 minutes with ease, lose a few pounds and be able to see some real changes in your body and in how you feel.

  1. Life is Messy Y’know…

Word of caution.

Every now and then, life will get in the way of your running routine. Injury, long hours at work, family obligations, holidays, you name it—all of these roadblocks are waiting in the dark for the right moment to mess up your plans.

It’s just a part of life.

Nothing personal.

You don’t need to strive for perfection, and pursuing perfection will get you nowhere.

If you acknowledge that you’ll definitely miss a day or two (or more!), when it happens you won’t beat yourself up or lose sleep over it.

Everyone makes mistakes and life happens — it’s part of the human condition.

Missing one or a couple of workouts won’t matter in the long run.

Habit formation is a skill, and like any other skill it requires conscious practice on a regular basis.

It’s just like a muscle that you train.

The more you exercise it, the stronger it will get.

That means that if you fall off the wagon, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go at it another time.

Have the warrior spirit and never give up.

12. Track Your Progress

You cannot progress on what you cannot measure.

This is one of my favorite productivity and management sayings of all times.

And when it comes to physical exercise in general, the rule couldn’t be more relevant.

In fact, whether you track progress using old-school pen and paper, or with an app, logging your runs is crucial for keeping up your activity

Be Analytical

By keeping a record, you’ll start noticing training trends, which can help you determine what works best for efficient and successful training.

How would you know what to do next if you didn’t know what you did in the first place?

It’s always a good thing when you can run longer without getting tired or when you can lift heavier weights, or when your summer clothes fit better.

These are all signs of progress—and something you should be proud of.

The Things to Track

Keep tabs on your achievement and every everyday exercise details in a workout journal or store them digitally for review from time to time.

These may include:

  • Running Workouts
  • Heart rate
  • Running goals
  • Running times
  • Mileage on a running shoe
  • Running performance
  • Cross training activities
  • Weight
  • Body measures
  • Before and after pictures
  • Meals
  • Weather
  • Sleep patterns
  • Weekly mileage
  • Calorie intake
  • Aches and pains

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.


Have you considered starting the running habit? Do you run regularly? I’d love to hear from you in the comment section.

Featured Image Credit – Ed Yourdon through Flickr.

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