Runner's Blueprint

Why Running Can Improve Students’ Academic Performance

Physical activity is important for everyone, including students. It is important to have a balanced life to experience physical and mental well-being. Part of this is getting enough exercise. Running can provide an inexpensive and effective way to get some exercise. If you’re a student, you can experience some of the following benefits from running.

Reduce stress

University life can give you multiple reasons to experience stress. It can be difficult to attend classes, write assignments, study for exams and still find time to exercise. This is a mistake because an activity like running can help to reduce your stress levels. Too much stress has a negative impact on your academic performance.

Whenever you feel like you can’t handle the stress, you should consider exercising. If you think you don’t have the time for it, outsource some of your assignments to professionals. A simple ‘hey, can you write my dissertation‘ in EssayPro support chat can really save you.

If you develop a practice of running on a daily basis, it can help to relieve anxiety and decrease your stress levels. Levels of the stress hormone cortisol will drop. This makes you feel more relaxed and calm after a run. Your ability to focus and retain information will improve.

Improve cognitive function

When you start out on a run, your pulse speeds up as your heart begins to pump strongly. More oxygenated blood starts moving to your brain and your muscles. Some studies have found that the hippocampus increases in the brains of those who run regularly. This is the area of the brain associated with learning and memory. Regular cardiovascular exercise, such as running, can even cause new blood vessels and brain cells to grow. This can lead to an overall improvement in brain performance.

Get help from an essay writing service

Today there are many tools and services that can help you when you’re a student getting a college education. They can be beneficial if you want to find time to exercise. You can improve your academic performance if you get help from an essay writing service like EduBirdie. Professional writers at essay writing services can make your work excellent and free of errors. You will have more free time available for a physical activity like running.

Increase physical health

When you run on a regular basis, you become physically stronger. You have more staying power and more resistance to illness. Without this kind of stamina, it will be difficult to cope with all your responsibilities as a student.

When you are physically healthy, your energy levels are higher. Consistent running will lower your blood pressure and your resting heart rate. Your heart will be healthier, and your bones and muscles stronger. It will also improve your blood sugar levels and have many other health benefits.

Improve your mood

The “runner’s high” is a well-known phenomenon. Running can result in a rush of endorphins which can boost your mood. You will feel elated and ready to conquer what comes your way. If you suffer from depression, running can help to alleviate the symptoms.

When most of your life takes place indoors, running outdoors in nature can boost your mental health. Whether you find a local park or a peaceful trail through a forest, your mood will benefit from soaking up some vitamin D and getting out into the fresh air.

Boost confidence

Running will help you to stay in shape, which can make you feel more confident. But running won’t just keep your weight under control. As you become stronger mentally and physically, your self-esteem will grow.

Once you force yourself to run on a regular basis, you will know you have the ability to exercise self-discipline. You will learn that it’s possible to achieve your goals with some persistence and determination. This can transfer to your studies and help you to achieve your academic goals.

A way to socialize

You may prefer to run independently, but you can also choose to run with others. If you join a running group, you will meet new people and can enjoy socializing with them. Running with others may provide the kind of interaction you need that you don’t get when spending all your time focusing on academics. It can provide some balance in your life and give you more of a sense of well-being. When you feel happier as a person, your academic performance is likely to improve.


By making running a regular part of your daily routine, you will experience more than just physical benefits over time. It will help to reduce your stress levels and improve your cognitive function. Your energy levels will increase, and you will feel less anxiety or depression. These are just some of the many benefits that make running a great way to improve your academic performance.

Author’s Bio

Scott Roberts carries years of experience with him, and that’s something that makes him one of the best in this field. His essay samples and topic ideas online are something that students regularly frequent. It gives them the inspiration to write and serves as quality reference material. Seeing them happy makes Scott happy and inspires him to do better every time.

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