Runner's Blueprint

Running with Hemorrhoids: How to Stay on Track and Pain-Free

Running with Hemorrhoids

Looking for some valuable advice on how to conquer the tricky challenge of running with hemorrhoids? Well, you’ve landed in the perfect spot. Trust me, I’ve got your backside covered!

Now, let’s get real for a moment. Running with hemorrhoids can be an absolute pain in the, well, you know where. Those swollen, inflamed anorectal veins can make every step a painful reminder that life isn’t always fair. Sitting becomes a struggle, walking feels like tiptoeing on hot coals, and the thought of running seems like a distant dream. But fear not, my determined friend, because where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets of running with hemorrhoids? I know you are! And guess what? It’s totally possible to hit the pavement and conquer those miles, even with those pesky swollen veins. But first, you need to know what you’re doing. That’s where today’s post swoops in to save the day!

In today’s article, I’m going to unveil all the secrets to running with hemorrhoids. I’ll equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and guidelines you need to not only find relief but also prevent these pesky veins from ruining your running bliss. Consider this your personal roadmap to success, specially designed for those facing the hemorrhoid hurdle.

Ready? Let’s get going.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Alright, let’s dive into the fascinating world of hemorrhoids and unravel the mystery behind these pesky little buggers!

Picture this: your rectum is like a bustling neighborhood, and within it, there’s a group of veins that are just a little more sensitive than the others. We call them hemorrhoids. They’re like the varicose veins of the rectum, and they can cause quite a commotion, especially for us runners.

So, here’s the deal. Hemorrhoids are these swollen, weakened veins that form lumps of tissue inside the rectum. Think of them as the cushions of vascular tissues in your anal canal, working hard to provide support and comfort. But just like the varicose veins you may have seen on legs, these little vessels can become overwhelmed under pressure. And boy, can they make their presence known!

Pain, itching, and even bleeding are some of the delightful symptoms that hemorrhoids bring to the party. And let’s be honest, as runners, the last thing we need is an unwelcome guest in our rectal neighborhood causing a ruckus. But fear not, my friend, because we’re about to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to tackle these annoyances head-on.

Here’s a mind-boggling statistic for you: surveys have shown that a whopping 70 to 80 percent of adults in the U.S., both men and women, will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. That’s right, it’s like a secret club that most people are unwittingly a part of. But here’s the good news: hemorrhoids aren’t typically dangerous or life-threatening. And here’s an even better news flash: they’re not contagious! Phew, we can all breathe a sigh of relief there.

Internal Vs. External Hemorrhoids

Just like a rollercoaster ride, hemorrhoids come in different levels of intensity, and we’re here to take you through each thrilling stage!

First up, we have the first three stages of hemorrhoids, also known as the undercover agents of the rectal realm. These sneaky fellows hide away, not visible to the naked eye. But don’t be fooled, they might decide to make a grand entrance and show themselves outside the anus, leaving behind traces of blood on toilet tissue or in your stool. It’s like their secret code, a signal that they’re up to no good.

Now, here’s an interesting tidbit: internal hemorrhoids, even though they may not be painful at first, can be quite mischievous when it comes to bleeding, especially when you’re out there pounding the pavement or engaging in high-impact activities. They love to make a grand spectacle, reminding you of their presence with each stride you take.

But wait, there’s more! Enter the fourth stage, the external hemorrhoids. These are the rebels that you can see and feel, hanging out around the opening of the anus like uninvited guests at a party. They bring along a whole entourage of discomfort, including pain, itching, swelling, and bleeding. Oh, and let’s not forget the mucus they like to leave behind as their calling card. They’re the troublemakers of the bunch, causing a real ruckus, especially when you’re trying to enjoy a peaceful run.

Here’s the thing: if you neglect these external troublemakers, they can become real troublemakers indeed. They have a knack for forming blood clots, turning a simple annoyance into a potential medical emergency. That’s when you might need some expert intervention to prevent further complications and ensure your running adventures remain worry-free.

Additional guide  – How to run with seasonal Allergies

Hemorrhoids Symptoms

As runners, we’re no strangers to aches and pains, but when it comes to those pesky hemorrhoids, how do we know if we’re dealing with the real deal? Let’s dive in and unravel the clues, shall we?

First off, let’s talk about internal hemorrhoids, the masters of disguise. These crafty fellows like to keep things low-key, but they do leave behind some telltale signs. One of their favorite party tricks is bleeding during bowel movements. It’s like their secret code, a subtle hint that they’re up to something.

But wait, there’s more! These sneaky internal hemorrhoids might decide to take center stage and prolapse or protrude to the outside when you least expect it. That’s when you might experience some discomfort and pain, like an uninvited guest overstaying their welcome.

On the flip side, we have the external hemorrhoids, the rebels of the rectum. They’re not ones to shy away from making their presence known. If you’re dealing with these troublemakers, you might encounter a whole range of symptoms. Picture this: pain or discomfort, a bit like an annoying itch that just won’t go away.

They also have a flair for dramatics, so don’t be surprised if you witness some bleeding or notice some anal swelling. And let’s not forget the irritation and itchiness they bring along, like a mischievous prankster trying to disrupt your peace. Plus, these external troublemakers have a stubborn streak—they refuse to be manually reduced, making it even more frustrating to deal with them.

Additional resource – Running with osteoarthritis 

Causes Of Hemorrhoids in Runners

When it comes to the root causes of hemorrhoids, it’s like navigating through a maze with multiple pathways. One prominent theory that has made its way into the medical literature points to factors such as constipation, straining during bowel movements, and even prolonged sessions on the porcelain throne. These can all contribute to a disruption in the delicate balance of blood flow, leading to the dreaded swelling and inflammation of those pesky veins.

Now, here’s where things get interesting for us runners. The culprit that often sneaks into the spotlight is none other than dehydration, that sly thief of bodily fluids. Picture this: as runners, we push our limits, pounding the pavement with every stride. But if we neglect to replenish our water stores, chronic dehydration creeps in, leaving our bodies parched like a desert.

And what happens when we don’t have enough water flowing through our systems? You guessed it—constipation takes center stage, starring as the villain in this tale. With hard stools that require Herculean efforts to pass, we find ourselves straining, unknowingly placing extra pressure on those innocent hemorrhoids. It’s like a high-stakes balancing act gone wrong, irritating and inflaming the delicate tissue.

But wait, there’s more! The cast of characters behind hemorrhoids doesn’t end there. Research has uncovered a motley crew of culprits. Frequent bouts of diarrhea can throw a curveball into the mix, wreaking havoc on the digestive system.

Weight gain and poor digestion join forces, casting shadows on our gut health.

And let’s not forget the role of diet—a protagonist or antagonist, depending on our choices.

Genetics play their part too, as our DNA whispers secrets that may make us more susceptible to these unwanted visitors.

For some, the chapters of pregnancy and childbirth add their own twists and turns to the hemorrhoidal tale. And as we age, the plot thickens, with the passage of time becoming a contributing factor. Oh, and let’s not overlook the importance of the poop position—a seemingly insignificant detail that can make all the difference.

Can Running Cause Hemorrhoids?

In the realm of running and hemorrhoids, it turns out that running itself is not the villain. No, no, my friends, running is actually a hero in the battle against those swollen blood vessels.

When done in moderation, physical activity like running can be your trusty sidekick, aiding in colon health and helping you maintain a healthy weight. It’s like having a superhero protecting your backside from the clutches of hemorrhoids.

But wait, there’s more to this story. If you find yourself straining like there’s no tomorrow during your bathroom visits, constantly battling chronic dehydration, munching on a low-fiber diet, or even having a family history of hemorrhoids, then the plot thickens. These factors, combined with your hardcore running regimen, could potentially create a perfect storm, paving the way for those unwanted hemorrhoids to make their grand entrance.

Now, let’s talk about the unfortunate scenario where you’re already grappling with those pesky piles. If you’re in that boat, lacing up your running shoes and hitting the pavement may not be the most pleasant experience. You see, running is like a mischievous trickster, a high-impact and repetitive activity that can wreak havoc on your perianal skin and delicate hemorrhoidal tissues. It’s as if every step sends a jolt of discomfort through your nether regions, intensifying your pain and making you wish for smoother trails.

But hold on, my fellow runners, there’s a silver lining. While running may temporarily exacerbate your hemorrhoid-related symptoms, it doesn’t mean the condition itself will permanently worsen. Think of it like a passing storm, where the rain may pour a little harder for a while, but eventually, the skies will clear. So don’t be too quick to hang up your running shoes just yet.

Can You Run With Hemorrhoids?

First things first, let’s get one thing straight. Running itself doesn’t bear the blame for causing hemorrhoids. However, it’s important to note that any high-impact exercise that aggravates those pesky swollen blood vessels can prolong your road to recovery.

And let’s be honest, my fellow runners, the sooner we heal, the faster we can lace up our shoes and return to the bliss of logging those satisfying miles.

Now, here’s the crucial part: You need to be mindful and not exacerbate your condition by going full throttle with your running routine. Listen closely to what your body is telling you. If your hemorrhoids are causing you discomfort or pain that’s beyond what you can tolerate, it’s time to hit the brakes and give yourself some well-deserved rest. Think of it as a pit stop on your running journey, where you can take the time to heal and recharge before hitting the road once again.

If your symptoms are mild and manageable, running with hemorrhoids should be a walk (or rather, a run) in the park. In fact, for many runners, engaging in their beloved activity while dealing with this condition poses no significant harm.

However, let’s not disregard the warning signs along the trail. If you experience extreme pain and discomfort while running with hemorrhoids, it’s crucial to listen to your body’s distress signals. Don’t push through the agony, my friends. It’s essential to prioritize your well-being and give yourself the time and space needed for healing.

Additional resource – Salt tablets for runners

Treating Hemorrhoids in Runners

First things first, let’s establish a crucial fact: Hemorrhoids don’t exactly “heal” in the traditional sense. They have their ups and downs, much like the undulating terrain we encounter during our runs. But fret not, my resilient friends, for we have tools at our disposal to manage and alleviate the discomfort.

When it comes to treatment, the approach you take depends on the severity of your condition and the extent of the damage. But let’s start with some fundamental lifestyle adjustments that can make a significant difference in your battle against hemorrhoids..


As runners, we understand the importance of choosing the right gear for the job. Similarly, selecting the appropriate over-the-counter medications can help alleviate the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen or Tylenol can be a runner’s ally in soothing the pain and reducing inflammation. However, it’s important to note that painkillers may only mask the symptoms temporarily, so anti-inflammatories are often recommended.

But wait, there’s more! In our quest for relief, you have a range of other solutions to explore. Ointments, suppositories, and pads come to the rescue, offering potential relief for the affected area. Look for salves containing witch hazel or hydrocortisone, which have a reputation for soothing itching and pain.

Rubber Band Ligation

When all else fails and the home remedies have left you yearning for relief, it might be time to consider this intriguing option, carried out by a skilled doctor. Picture it as a strategic maneuver in the battle against hemorrhoids, designed to cut off their blood supply and bring about their ultimate demise.

In this “non-invasive” procedure, a tiny rubber band takes center stage. It slips around the base of the hemorrhoid, constricting its blood flow and leaving it no choice but to surrender. It’s as if we’re tying a knot to prevent an escape route, sealing the fate of those troublesome piles.

Now, here’s the interesting part: Over the course of a few days, the banded hemorrhoids, deprived of their life force, begin to wither away. It’s like watching the leaves of a once-mighty tree shrivel and fall to the ground, bidding farewell to their existence. This natural process allows the body to eliminate the remnants of the hemorrhoids.

But let’s not sugarcoat the truth. This procedure may come with its share of discomfort and bleeding, like unexpected potholes along our running route. Some cases experience these side effects two to three days after the procedure. It’s crucial to keep in mind that while the majority of cases proceed smoothly, severe complications are rare but can occur.

Once the procedure is complete, it’s time for the crucial after-care phase. Just as we adjust our training and recovery routine after a challenging race, a drastic diet change may be in order to support the healing process. This dietary shift aims to prevent irritation in the affected area, much like a gentle breeze soothing a tender wound. Hard stool is the nemesis here, so we must be mindful and take measures to ensure a smoother recovery.

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Runners Nipples

Consult Your Doctor

If despite your best efforts, those pesky symptoms just won’t quit, it’s time to pick up the phone and reach out to your healthcare provider. Remember, we’re talking about prolonged discomfort and, most importantly, any form of excessive or profuse rectal bleeding. That’s the moment to hit the brakes and seek guidance.

Why is this step so crucial, you might wonder? Well, let’s consider the bigger picture. While hemorrhoids themselves typically aren’t life-threatening, there’s a chance that your symptoms could be a sign of something more serious lurking beneath the surface. We don’t want to play a game of chance when it comes to our health, right?

In such situations, it’s wise to consult a specialist who focuses on colon and rectal health. Think of them as the seasoned captains navigating the treacherous waters of gastrointestinal issues. They possess the knowledge and expertise to identify any potential red flags and guide you toward the most appropriate course of action.

One of the reasons it’s essential to consult a specialist rather than a general practitioner is because, in rare cases, hemorrhoids can evolve into a more advanced and serious condition, such as colon cancer. Now, we don’t want to go down that road, do we? By proactively seeking the advice of a specialist, we can address any concerns early on, ensuring the best possible outcome.

Tips For Running With Hemorrhoids

If you’ve received the go-ahead from your doctor to continue running with hemorrhoids, it’s important to take certain measures to ensure a smooth and comfortable training experience.

Let’s dive into some tips that can help you maintain hygiene and minimize potential complications.

Keep it Clean

First things first, keeping your bum clean is key. While there’s no direct scientific evidence linking cleanliness to hemorrhoids, researchers have noted a strong association between maintaining a clean posterior and reducing the risk of infection and potential abscess formation. Plus, it just makes sense to avoid further irritation and damage to the affected tissues, giving them a better chance to heal on their own.

In fact, a study delved into this topic and found that maintaining overall cleanliness in the buttocks area had a significant impact on the development of hemorrhoids among the participants.

To put these findings into action, here’s a recommended routine after each run: as soon as you’re done, peel off those sweaty running clothes and hop into the shower. Give your backside a thorough wash, making sure to cleanse the entire area. Once you’ve finished, make sure to pat yourself dry gently. Remember, the humidity down there can be a breeding ground for irritation, so keeping the area dry is crucial. And to let your skin breathe, consider wearing clean, loose-fitting underwear.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that taking a shower before bedtime is particularly important. This ensures that you’re starting off your restorative sleep with a clean slate, paying special attention to the entire crotch area.

Use Wet Paper

Let’s talk about the importance of proper wiping techniques and the role of wet wipes in maintaining a healthy and comfortable cleanup after a bowel movement. Trust me, you don’t want to overlook this aspect when dealing with hemorrhoids.

First things first, say goodbye to dry toilet paper. Using dry TP to wipe can be harsh on the sensitive skin around the anal area, and we definitely don’t want to aggravate the situation. So, what’s the alternative? Wet wipes or baby wipes to the rescue!

These moist wipes provide a gentler and more soothing cleaning experience for the affected region. They’re designed to be tender on the skin, which is exactly what we’re aiming for. However, keep in mind that not all wipes are created equal. Stay away from those containing fragrance or alcohol, as these can potentially cause further irritation.

Now, here’s a wiping technique tip for you: always wipe from the front to the back. This direction helps to prevent any unwanted bacteria from spreading towards the front, reducing the risk of infection. It’s a simple yet effective step in maintaining cleanliness and minimizing complications.

If you’re seeking even more relief, opt for wipes that contain soothing ingredients specifically designed to alleviate hemorrhoid-related discomfort. Look for wipes enriched with aloe vera or witch hazel, as these substances are known for their calming properties.

Drink Plenty Of Water

When it comes to preventing constipation and avoiding additional strain on those delicate veins around your rectum, staying hydrated is key.

Dehydration is a common culprit behind constipation, and let me tell you, it’s not a pleasant experience. When you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t have enough fluids to lubricate your digestive system, resulting in dry and hard stool that’s tough to pass. Ouch!

To steer clear of this uncomfortable situation, make hydration a top priority in your daily routine. And I’m not just talking about chugging water right before and after your workouts. No, no! You need to keep that hydration train chugging along all day long.

Experts recommend aiming for a minimum of 64 ounces of liquids per day. But here’s the deal: if you’re hitting the pavement for a long and intense training session or if you’re dealing with scorching hot weather, you’ll need to up your fluid intake even more. Think of it as giving your body the extra fuel it needs to perform at its best.

Now, here’s a fascinating tidbit from research: relying on thirst alone is a recipe for dehydration disaster. By the time you feel thirsty, your body is already in a state of dehydration. So, don’t wait for that parched feeling to kick in. Stay one step ahead of the game and make a conscious effort to sip on fluids throughout the day.

Try A Squat Position

You might be surprised to learn that the position you assume on the porcelain throne can make a world of difference when it comes to relieving constipation naturally.

Now, I’m not suggesting you go full-on acrobat and perform a perfect squat atop your toilet seat. No, no! There’s a simpler way to achieve the benefits of the squat position without risking any bathroom gymnastics.

Here’s the scoop: while you’re comfortably seated on the toilet, you can enhance your posture by elevating your feet. Grab a handy short bench or gather up a stack of phone books (if you still have those lying around) and place them under your feet. Voila! Now, with your knees slightly higher than your derriere, you’ve created a more natural angle for your rectum.

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Research has delved into the intriguing world of bathroom posture, and the findings are quite fascinating. Turns out, the way you position your body on the throne can impact your bowel movements. The squat position, in particular, has been hailed as the champion of proper alignment for a thorough bowel emptying experience.

When you squat, you’re essentially straightening the angle between your anus and rectum. Think of it as a gentle pathway that encourages a relaxed and complete evacuation. It’s like opening the gates and letting nature take its course, easing constipation along the way.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

Let’s address the issue of chafing. Friction is the enemy, so we want to avoid it at all costs. Say goodbye to itchy cotton underwear and tight spandex that can only add fuel to the fire of irritation. Instead, opt for loose and breathable clothing that allows your delicate regions to breathe freely. Picture high-performance running shorts or tights made from special fabrics designed to whisk away moisture like a loyal servant, leaving you dry and blissfully comfortable.

Now, let’s talk about the importance of proper fit. You see, a badly fitting pair of running shorts can be like a mischievous imp, causing all sorts of trouble around your anus. No one wants unnecessary pressure in that area, right?

Eat Healthily

Research has shown that a proper diet rich in fiber can be a game-changer when it comes to preventing hemorrhoids and promoting smooth sailing in the bathroom department. Aim for a daily intake of 20 to 30 grams of fiber, and you’ll be well on your way to happy, regular bowel movements.

Now, I must offer a word of caution. Fiber should be introduced to your diet gradually, like a cautious explorer stepping into unknown territory. Rapidly increasing your fiber intake can sometimes lead to bloating and gas, and we definitely don’t want that.

So, start small and slowly increase your fiber consumption over time, giving your body a chance to adjust. And don’t forget to hydrate. Fiber works best when accompanied by plenty of water, so keep those fluid levels up.

So, what foods should you focus on to up your fiber game? Picture a vibrant plate filled with colorful vegetables like sweet corn, crunchy carrots, and nutrient-packed broccoli. Add some legumes to the mix, like beans, which are not only fiber-rich but also a great source of plant-based protein.

And let’s not forget the fruity delights—juicy melons, zesty oranges, and a medley of berries, all bursting with fiber goodness.

If you’re feeling a bit nutty, toss in some nuts and seeds for an extra fiber boost. And last but not least, embrace the humble potato with its skin intact, whether it’s the white or red variety. It’s a fiber powerhouse waiting to fuel your body.

Now, if despite your best efforts, you find that dietary adjustments alone aren’t doing the trick.

There are fiber supplements available to lend a helping hand. Look for husk fiber supplements like Metamucil or similar options, which can provide you with the recommended 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day.

However, if you find that standard fiber supplements cause unwanted bloating or gas, don’t despair. There are alternatives out there. Consider trying a supplement containing methylcellulose or dextrin, which may be gentler on your digestive system while still providing the fiber boost you need.

Use Creams

Studies have shown that creams play a vital role in soothing discomfort and preventing the piles from spiraling into a serious flare-up. They are like gentle guardians, working tirelessly to keep your hemorrhoids in check and steering you away from the dreaded surgical route. By applying these creams, you’re giving yourself a fighting chance to reclaim your comfort and bid farewell to the itching and burning sensations.

But that’s not all, my friend! These creams have another superpower—they can calm swelling and keep bacterial growth at bay. It’s like they have a secret anti-inflammatory signal that tames the angry tissues and creates a healing environment. This speedy recovery process means you can lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement without fearing a sudden flare-up that could throw off your training routine..

Pad it

Picture this: You’re about to embark on your exhilarating run, but there’s one thing standing in your way—irritation. Fortunately, padding is here to save the day. By placing a soft pad between your buttocks, you’re creating a barrier of comfort that shields your delicate areas from the friction and jolts of your running escapades.

It’s like giving your behind a plush cushion to rest on, preventing any unnecessary rubbing and irritation that could aggravate those hemorrhoids.

But wait, there’s more to this padding magic! Have you ever sat on a hard surface, only to feel the discomfort and swelling of your hemorrhoids intensify? Well, fear no more. By swapping that unforgiving seat for a cushioned surface, you’re not only alleviating the pain and swelling of existing hemorrhoids, but you’re also thwarting the formation of new ones. It’s like providing your behind with a luxurious spa treatment, allowing those tender areas to relax and heal while you continue your running adventures.

Now, you might be wondering, “Is there any scientific evidence to back up this padding strategy?” Oh, you bet there is! Researchers have explored the benefits of cushioning and found that it can significantly reduce irritation and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids during activities like running. So, rest assured that you’re not just indulging in a fluffy fantasy, but actually implementing a proven technique to safeguard your behind.

Take A Warm Bath

the blissful sensation of sinking into a warm bath, where the troubles of the world melt away. But did you know that this delightful ritual can also bring relief to those pesky hemorrhoids that have been causing you discomfort? Let me share with you the wonders of taking a warm bath and how it can ease your hemorrhoid-related woes.

Imagine immersing your lower half in a soothing tub of warm water, enveloped in its gentle embrace. This act of self-care goes beyond mere relaxation—it’s a remedy for your ailing hemorrhoids. Studies have shown that bathing in warm water multiple times a day can provide much-needed relief for those suffering from severe hemorrhoid symptoms.

But wait, there’s more! When you soak in a shallow bath of saltwater for around 10 to 15 minutes each day, you’re not only soothing the pain and swelling caused by hemorrhoids, but you’re also providing a healing touch to your weary joints and muscles. It’s like a double dose of comfort, targeting both the source of your hemorrhoid-related symptoms and the inflammation in your knees and ankles, which might have been nagging you after those intense runs.

Now, you might be wondering about the science behind this warm bath therapy. Well, research has shown that immersing the body in warm water can improve blood flow and relax the surrounding muscles, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. So, it’s not just a luxurious indulgence—it’s a scientifically-backed strategy to ease your discomfort and expedite your recovery.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Picture this: your pelvic muscles are like the unsung heroes of your body, diligently working behind the scenes to maintain proper circulation and prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Just like a well-coordinated team, these muscles ensure that blood flows smoothly to the rectum area, warding off any unwanted piles.

Research studies have shown that poor circulation can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids, so it’s time to give those pelvic muscles some attention!

Enter Kegel exercises, the secret weapon to strengthen and train your pelvic muscles. These exercises not only help prevent the straining that can lead to hemorrhoids but also make it easier for you to pass stool and relax your anal sphincter.

Now, let’s talk about the simplicity of Kegel exercises. You don’t need fancy equipment or a designated workout space to reap their benefits. The basic pelvic muscle contractions are the key to success.

It’s as easy as engaging your pelvic region when you feel the urge to urinate, squeezing and tightening those mighty muscles, holding the contraction for a few moments, and then releasing. Repeat this process a few times, and voila!

You’re on your way to stronger pelvic muscles and a reduced risk of hemorrhoids. The best part? You can perform these exercises anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re sitting at your desk, watching TV, or even waiting in line at the grocery store, seize the opportunity to give your pelvic muscles a mini-workout.

Consult Your Doctor

Dealing with persistent hemorrhoids can be a real pain in the you-know-where. While most cases clear up on their own, there are times when you might need a little extra help to kick those pesky piles to the curb. So, let’s talk about some effective treatments that can bring you the relief you deserve.

Now, I don’t want to be repetitive, but it’s crucial to pay attention if your symptoms worsen, especially if you’re experiencing frequent rectal bleeding. Don’t wait until things escalate further—reach out to your doctor sooner rather than later. They’re the experts who can assess your situation and provide the best course of action.

When it comes to treatment options, modern medicine has got your back. Your physician might suggest pain-free and simple procedures like rubber band ligation or laser intervention to effectively tackle those hemorrhoids. These procedures are designed to target the root cause and help alleviate your discomfort. Trust me, it’s like waving a magic wand and bidding farewell to those bothersome piles.

But hey, if these initial treatments don’t do the trick, don’t lose hope just yet. It’s time to consult a board-certified colon and rectal surgeon. These specialists have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to dealing with stubborn hemorrhoids. They’ll evaluate your situation and may recommend a simple, pain-free procedure called rubber banding. It’s a quick in-office treatment that takes less than 15 minutes. Talk about convenience!

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Joggers Nipples

Running With Hemorrhoids – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’ve ever suffered from hemorrhoids while running but wanted to keep your running routine on the go, then today’s article should have provided you with enough answers and guideposts on what to do.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Have a painless run!

David D.

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