Runner's Blueprint

RECIPES: Top 6 nutritious smoothies you can have before and after a run

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Before a workout, it’s important that you have enough energy to keep you going. Most times, a full breakfast is not an option. You want to have something that’s light but also staves off your hunger. Smoothies provide both energy and hydration, two essential components for getting the most out of your workout.

It is equally important to give your body nutrients after you work out, especially within the 60 minutes afterwards. Consuming a smoothie will provide you with nutrients that will help your body to repair itself and grow stronger.

So what makes for the perfect smoothie?


Protein helps to repair and rebuild muscles while also filling you up. When it comes to protein powder, the less processed it is, the better, so opt for one with a small ingredient list. Rice, pea, and hemp protein are all excellent sources of protein. Brown Rice Protein Powder, for example, is a flavour-neutral option that can be added to your smoothie without significantly altering the flavour. Alternatively, select a powder that will work well with other ingredients. There are lots of options for ready-made protein powders to choose from.

Look for a strawberry-flavoured protein powder for a berry smoothie or a vanilla-flavoured collagen powder for a tropical smoothie. Add oats or chia seeds to the mix if you want even more protein.


Your best option is milk or coconut water. Fruit juices taste good, but they’re high in sugar and won’t contribute to your health. Coconut water is a really good choice for rehydrating electrolytes after a run. If you are vegan or lactose intolerant, there are many dairy-free options, including almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk.


Healthy fats give energy and promote cell growth. A tablespoon of flax seeds, half an avocado, or a small handful of unroasted nuts is a good source of fat.


Adding vegetables to your smoothie is a terrific way to boost your fibre intake and keep you satisfied for longer. For a health boost, use nutrient-rich greens like kale or spinach, which have a neutral flavour. Spinach is high in nitrates, which aid in the delivery of oxygen to muscles.


Limit yourself to two portions of fruit per day and choose low-sugar fruits like berries, which are nutrient-dense. Bananas have a greater sugar content, but they’re beneficial for refuelling and can be used in a post-run smoothie.

Buying frozen fruit is an excellent method to add fruit to your smoothies. Frozen fruit can lower weekly food costs, allow you to enjoy out-of-season products, and serve as a convenient backup when you can’t get to the store.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

2 Light and filling Pre-run smoothies

Mango Smoothie

Mangoes are high in vitamins, minerals, and potassium, making them a great fruit to have before or after a run. You can make this smoothie with the $6 Olkos Greek Yogurt, $3.99 Almond milk and  $2.29 Mangos from the Foodland weekly flyer.


1 mango, diced and refrigerated

1 frozen banana

½  cup Greek yogurt

1 cup low-fat cow’s milk or almond/ oat  milk


In a blender, combine your ingredients and blend until smooth.

Photo by Nature Zen on Unsplash

Energizing coffee smoothie

This smoothie combines coffee, yogurt, honey, and walnuts to provide a creamy consistency similar to what you’d find in a good cup of coffee from your beloved coffee shop.


1 Banana

1 tablespoon plain Greek yogurt

¼ –½  cup brewed coffee

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon flaxseed (ground)

A handful of walnuts

A pinch of cinnamon (to taste)


Optional: 1/4 cup oats


Blend all your ingredients until smooth.

4 Nutritious and Delicious Post-run smoothies

Watermelon Smoothie

This smoothie is both refreshing and incredibly tasty after a hot run. Watermelon chunks can be frozen ahead of time to make them easier to prepare when you need them.


2 cups watermelon, chopped

½ cup of low-fat yogurt

1 cup  coconut water



Blend all your ingredients until smooth.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Smoothie

This peanut butter chocolate smoothie will make you feel like it’s a cheat day with how good it tastes.


1 cup milk almond milk

1 frozen banana

2 tablespoons peanut butter

1 ½  teaspoon cocoa powder

2 teaspoon maple syrup or honey

⅛  teaspoon cinnamon powder


1 tablespoon chocolate protein powder (optional)


Blend all your ingredients until smooth. If it’s too thick, add extra milk. If the mixture is runny, add more ice.

Apple, Oats & Chia Seed Smoothie

This smoothie has several benefits:

Oats are strong in soluble fibre and high in B vitamins. The apple and banana are high in potassium and vitamin C, and the honey is additional support for your immune system. This smoothie has enough calories to replace a full meal.


1 cup low-fat milk

2 tablespoons oats

1 apple

4 almonds

1 teaspoon honey

1 teaspoon chia seeds

½  teaspoon cinnamon powder


Combine all the ingredients (make sure you deseed and peel the apple) and blend until smooth.

Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash

Tropical Smoothie

The pineapple gives the smoothie a bit of zest. In combination with the rest of the ingredients, this will be a summertime favourite.


1 frozen banana

1/2 cup pineapple

1 cup coconut water

1 cup spinach

1 cup kale

Optional: 1 tablespoon of protein powder or  1 tablespoon  Supergreens/Green food powder


Take all your ingredients and combine them to blend until smooth.


Photo by Nutrition Refined on Pinterest

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