Runner's Blueprint

The MYRTL Routine: Your Secret Weapon for Stronger Running

Myrtl Routine

Young hipster man in gray sweatshirt running in town, main street

Looking to level up your running game and dive into the world of the Myrtle routine? Well, you’ve landed in the perfect spot. Get ready to warm up those muscles and unleash your inner running beast!

Now, let’s talk about the first step to ace any run or race: a killer warm-up. But hold up, we’re tossing static stretches out the window. You know, those poses where you hold on for dear life for what feels like an eternity? Nah, not anymore.

Instead, we’re diving headfirst into the dynamic warm-up scene—a routine that’s got everyone buzzing, from newbie joggers to the crème de la crème of athletes. Why? Because it’s a game-changer,. It improves your range of motion, fires up those key running muscles, and sets the stage for a triumphant performance.

Now, let me introduce you to the star of the show—the Myrtle routine. It’s like a trusty sidekick that’s got your back, no matter your fitness level. This bodyweight extravaganza is straightforward yet powerful, packed with exercises that will have you feeling like a true running superhero.

In this article, I’m going to take a deep dive into the magical world of the Myrtle routine. I’ll be your guide, sharing all the juicy details, from its incredible benefits to breaking down each exercise with precision.

Ready? Let’s get started.

What Is Myrtl Routine?

Let me introduce you to a little gem called the Myrtle routine. It’s like a secret weapon for building up that hip muscle strength and taking your running game to a whole new level. And guess what? You can knock it out in just about ten minutes. Now, who doesn’t have time for that?

This routine is all about those bodyweight exercises that might seem deceptively simple, but trust me, they pack a serious punch. We’re talking about exercises that zoom in on the hip girdle—a region that often gets neglected by us runners. But fear not, the Myrtle routine is here to give those hip muscles the attention they deserve.

Now, let’s give credit where credit is due. The mastermind behind this routine is none other than Jay Johnno’s, a running coach extraordinaire from the beautiful state of Colorado. He’s the brains behind this ingenious sequence of movements that target those stabilizing, smaller muscles around the hip girdle. You know, the ones that kick into action when fatigue starts creeping in during those last grueling miles of a long run or race.

But here’s the real kicker. By incorporating these prescribed exercises into your regular routine, you’ll not only improve your flexibility and range of motion, but you’ll also give those pesky pains and injuries a run for their money. It’s like building a fortress of resilience for your body, keeping you in the game and free from unnecessary setbacks.

The Benefits of Myrtl Routine For Runners

Let’s dive into the incredible benefits that the Myrtle routine brings to the table for us runners. Get ready to unlock a world of dynamic flexibility, core strength, and overall running prowess.

Picture this: you’re gearing up for a run, lacing up your shoes, and feeling the excitement building up. But before you hit the pavement, there’s something you should never skip—a flexibility routine. And that’s where the Myrtle routine shines. It’s like the secret sauce that takes your running game from good to great.

Research has shown that incorporating a flexibility routine into your pre and post-run rituals can work wonders.

It’s not just about the stretches, my friend. It’s about giving your body that extra boost of dynamic flexibility, activating key muscles, and preparing them for the journey ahead. Even devoting just five minutes to stretch work can kickstart your blood flow and rev up your heart rate.

How Often Should You Perform The Myrtle Routine

Now, let’s talk about consistency. How often should you perform the Myrtle routine to reap its full benefits?

Well, here’s the golden rule: aim for three to four times per week. Better yet, make it a non-negotiable part of your pre-run routine. By integrating it into your regular regimen, you’re building a powerful habit that will fuel your progress and make you unstoppable.

Whether you’re gearing up for a short sprint or a marathon distance, the Myrtle routine has got your back. It doesn’t discriminate based on distance. It’s there to enhance your performance and protect your body, no matter what lies ahead.

The Myrtle Routine For Runners

Here are the exercises you need to perform to complete the Myrtl routine.

Lateral Leg Raises

Begin with laying on your right side, legs straight. Raise your left leg to a 45-degrees and then slowly lower it. Keep your legs straight the entire time.

Perform five reps with the neutral foot, another 5 with toe pointed up, and five reps with toes pointed to the floor.

Next, switch sides and repeat.


Lay on your right side while keeping your knees bent at 45-degrees.

Next, while keeping your heels together, lower your left leg, then repeat. You should form a shape of the clamshell.

Shoot for eight reps on both sides to complete one set.

Hold the pose for a moment, then slowly lower your knee back to starting position.

Additional resource – Guide to big toe pain from running

Donkey Kick

To do donkey kicks, start on all four in a table position, then bring your right knee toward your richest.

Next, kick the left leg behind with the foot flexed, and the knee bent to create a hook over your back.

Shoot for eight reps, then switch to the other side.

Fire Hydrant

Again, start in table position, then raise your right leg to the side until your knees reach your hip height.

Next, while keeping your knee bent, lower it to the starting position.

Shoot for eight reps on each side.

Donkey Whips

Begin with your hands and legs down in a table position.

Next, raise your right leg and extend it behind you. Then, swing it to the right side and then back to the center.

Perform this movement five-time, then switch sides.

The Myrtle Girdle Exercises

The Myrtle routine also focuses on the muscles in the girdle to improve the range of motion. In most cases, your mobility and range of motion degrade the longer you run regularly.

Hurdle Trail Legs

Begin by standing straight while keeping your hands on your hips or the wall for support.

Next, stand on your left leg and imagine that you’re skimming your right leg over a hurdle at the hip joint.

Perform five reps, then switch sides.

Once the set is compelled, repeat the entire movement while circling your leg backward.

Knee Circles

Start on your fours. Then make backward circles with your right leg whelk keeping your knee bent.

Shoot for five reps and then switch sides.

Linear Leg Swing

Begin by standing, feet hip-width apart. Feel free to grab a wall or a chair for balance

while keeping your body straight; swing your right leg in the front and then in the behind. Make sure your foot is reaching roughly hip height when you swing it.

Complete ten reps, then switch sides.

Linear Leg Swing With Bent Leg

Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart next to a wall and rest your right arm on it for balance.

Next, bend your left knee at 90-degree to hip height in front of you, then swing it to the front and behind.

Shoot for ten reps on each side.

Additional resource – How to warm up for a race

Lateral leg swings

Start straight with your feet hip-width apart while facing a wall, then place both hands on it for support.

Raise your right foot out to the right side, then swing it across your body.

Keep swinging your right foot back and forth for a total of 10 reps, then switch sides.

Lateral Leg Raises

Lay down on your right side while keeping your legs straight.

Next, leave your left leg to 45-degrees, then lower it. Repeat the movement five times with neutral foot, five times in toe position, and five times switch toe-in position.

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